MIAMI – The Suicide Prevention Lifeline has seen a major increase in calls in the week since changing from a 10-digit number to an easier-to-remember three-digit number. It is now a matter of dialing or texting 9-8-8.
It is the same crisis intervention counseling on the other end. The only difference is that shortened number. This simple change seems to be putting more people in touch with help on the other line. ...
Boy. Talk about a high-stress situation. Of course you'll get more response with fewer details and fewer requirements to fulfill.
My mother worked at a resort where it turned out a restaurant guy decided to kill himself. They found his car near the middle of a several hundred ft high bridge -- door open, engine still running.
Apparently he worked himself up to do it and decided to act.
And he, again apparently, was afraid if he interrupted himself to do anything else he might lose his nerve.