I would have never picked up the nasty habit of smoking. I think the habit has adversely affected every aspect of my life, from relationships, to physical health, and to emotional health.
hit that free throw. swing that bat harder. kiss that girl.
I would finish my education. My dad actually discouraged me from going to college after high school, so I joined the military instead. I would have done well in college. After a few years in the military I married and followed my (ex) husband around for several years and had babies. I started college courses once, and then had another baby, I was a stay at home mom. Then I felt too discouraged to go to school. I would be so much better off now I had I finished the education and gotten a job. I probably would have been divorced earlier, but that wouldn't have been a bad thing.
Define adulthood? I would of told my mom to move out of the and let my dad hit me with that club. Maybe he could of got help before he totally distroys our family unit.
It is a tempting thought. --- But I like myself now. And I realize that it took everything that I experienced to make me what I am today. So ---- I would change nothing.
I would have never gotten married that first time (at 18 yo)...or ever for that matter.
I really do wish that I didn't believe in God way earlier than it took. It shaped a lot of my decisions. So many things based on a fear of a being I no longer believe exists. I really believe I'd be living a much different life had I dropped that at 10 instead of 32.
One?? I can think of a hundred things!
I have a lot of regrets about all the opportunities I turned down, the girls I never asked out, wishing I pursued a different career path, and so on so forth.
I admit I suffer from depression a lot, but I do sometimes wonder, of all the alternate realities I could have lived, this is one of the worse ones.
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Nothing. Everything I've done in my life including my mistakes have put me where I am today.
I never said I was perfect, and I never said I had no regrets. What I said is that I like my life as it is today, and if I changed anything my life would be different.
Everything you do in life changes how your future will be. I will not risk changing my future (not having my children/grandchildren, living in a quiet town, not having to worry about bills/home/transportation, etc) into something worse.