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LINK New Report Alleges Trump Didn't Want 'Wounded Guys' Parade 'Doesn't Look Good'

Active military overwhelmingly support Trump. I have no fucking idea why.

barjoe 9 Aug 8

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And many of them are disloyal. The military should set an example, assess them psychologically, and start cleaning house. Hopefully they can start with Flynn's brother.


Trump has since denied the story, calling it a "disgrace"

That's how we know it's true. I seem to remember a certain Lt Col, Vindman, that he went after also. In that he disparaged the gold star families so this is not breaking news.


Because the Far Right has been packing the military just as they have been packing school boards, local governments, police forces, and election workers. While Liberals were busy celebrating a black man winning the office of President, the Far Right was busy undermining democracy from the bottom up. Their only problem: the majority of the country still wants a democratic country. We need to overcome a lot of neglect and ruthless planning and hate.

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