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Disney’s Copyright Protections Are Latest Target of Republicans


FearlessFly 9 Aug 22

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Honestly, screw Disney, but I'd love to a fight between them & the Rethugs!


Well, their motivation sucks, but essentially forever copyrights are a sick perversion of copyright law.

Yeah, I tend to agree. One year I was the yearbook advisor at a HS. The company that helped and published it consistently and often reminded us NO DISNEY stuff, not even tee shirt photos in a crowd. Disney, quite a few times, forced schools to confiscate and destroy yearbooks with Disney stuff anywhere.
Disney sued to have a Winnie the Poo statue taken down in Csnada in the town where AA Milne was born. They would have won in court, but relented to public pressure, even going so far as to "sponser" honoring Milne.


“Hawley” makes his name a synonym for “petty”


Both Disney and the GQP have acted to screw up US culture, and I believe both have had severe negative impacts on my life. So what's worse, murderous Nazis or corporate thugs? If either or both disappeared tomorrow, that really would be the happiest place on earth.

My name is on a steel beam topping Star Wars Land until they do disappear. I think that's funny since they fired me.

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