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"a multipolar world will win against Washington’s unilateralism. Time is on their side." Like it or not, PATRICK LAWRENCE succinctly states the case.

"the line the Americans drew: If you insist on adversarial relations, you will get them. “They’re standing in the world’s way”"
In his op-ed "Putin & the Emerging Order"
August 22, 2022 PATRICK LAWRENCE makes the case for "The baton of “global leadership,” which Joe Biden mentions every chance he gets, is passing to non-Western leaders."

Continuing American stupidity¹ will see it happen.


FrayedBear 9 Aug 22

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More of your Russian loving bullshit.

The most laughable part is where the writer says the West created opposing blocks. The West never built enclosed borders, only the Communist countries did that,

Actually, the most laughable part is you.

Hasn't a wall just been buit between USA & Mexico to keep the Mexicans out of the land that you stole from them?
Isn't that a physical boundary\enclosed border?

@FrayedBear A partial wall was built to keep illegal immigrats from coming IN. The walls commies built were to keep people going OUT. Even you should be able to recognize the difference, but I'l help you, everyone wanted to get out of commie land, everyone wants to get in America.

Last, ever since history was kept, the winner of a war kept land. Texas is no different. Nothing new. Interestingly, as far as I am concerned I'd be all for giving Texas back to Mexico today.

@Alienbeing LOL ROFL "Interestingly, as far as I am concerned I'd be all for giving Texas back to Mexico today."
What makes you think I would find your opinion interesting. It's like asking me to change my opinion that an incontinent old man who has just defecated in his trousers is still making a disgusting unhygienic smell if he took the trousers off & put them in the rubbish bin whether the area would no longer be polluted! Of course it is still polluted just as Texas would still be full of Americans & sycophantic migrants.

Do you think Mexico should be burdened with such pollution? Obviously you do, otherwise you wouldn't stupidly¹ suggest it.

@FrayedBear I don't ever think about you or what you might think. I used the term in question as many on my fellow Americans do find that interesting. I don't give a fart what you find interesting.


There is a great energy shortage from Russia to the US and Germany. If this doesn't stop, this will not end well.

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