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Biden calls out GOP members warning of "blood in the streets" if Trump is prosecuted. Bravo!

Bravo, President Biden! Keep it up.


LiterateHiker 9 Aug 31

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Biden is also an excellent speaker, especially when he gets fired up about something


I’d say, bring it. I don’t know who they’ll be fighting except the police and National Guard. If one of those clowns decides to start shooting there will be a bunch of dead Trump supporters.


If they do what there paid to do and not kiss Trumps ass, the fools might do something to stop it. Of course they might to high on butt fumes.


Graham's statement can be seen as a call to arms.
It can also be seen as him being informed with no intention on preventing violence.
In a sense the Republican party is now practicing widespread and continuous extortion.

Unity Level 8 Aug 31, 2022

The Economist has a good article about the Mar-a-Largo investigation and possible outcomes:

One warm evening in 1999, Donald Trump stepped out of a famous restaurant, Sylvia’s, on Malcolm X Boulevard in Harlem. Word had spread that the famous developer was eating there, and a large, excited crowd had gathered to greet him. He had been feted all evening by TV stars, financiers and former ballplayers. The stakes seemed lower then, before the attacks of September 11th 2001, and his boasting and lies came off as funny, even roguishly charming.
As Lexington, in those days a writer at a different publication, followed Mr Trump into the crowd and towards his limousine, he called out the question that had been on his mind all night: what was it about Mr Trump that drew people to him like this? “I don’t think about it…” he called back over his shoulder, with a grin. “Whatever it is, it is.”
All these years later, the answer is obvious. The force is Mr Trump’s own desperate need, his vaulting narcissism. That is now the mightiest force in America’s public life, the black hole at the centre of its politics. It has warped the principles of the Republican Party, yanked the Democratic Party off balance and ripped reputations away from once-respected men and women. It is tearing at America’s governing institutions. The raid on Mar-a-Lago may have been necessary to serve justice. A prosecution may eventually prove necessary as well. The hope is that the rule of law has weight enough to survive the contest. ■


Stand up to these contemptible bullies!

That is exactly what they are. Bullies.


If one or more meathead MAGA does do something stupid Antifa will get blamed.

MizJ Level 8 Aug 31, 2022

Just like this:

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