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Art as protest: What are your thoughts?

AstralSmoke 8 Dec 6

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Thank you @resserts for defining 'art':
'I think art as a whole should be subversive and provocative and a protest. It should challenge perception and authority and tradition. It should evoke deep emotions, often conflicting and tumultuous. If it's not doing some combination of these things, it's less art than mere design or pretty pictures.'

Other than that, I just want to say that 'art' includes literature.

Ah, yes, I tend to jump to visual arts when I think of art, even though I know better. Literature, music, performing arts, visual arts. (I actually was thinking about the gamut when I started writing, but then fixated on the visual.) Thanks for the clarification and reminder. πŸ™‚



β€œArt should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.”

And, "The principles of true art is not to portray, but to evoke." Jerzy Kosinski

There is art and then there is craft. Art tells us truths that we otherwise may not perceive. (Paraphrasing Picasso)

Very nice breakdown, Thanks.


It is an expression of the subject matter created to bring in critical thinking or show creativity and self reflection. Many artists have protested things, ideas, etc. in their artwork. It is just another freedom of thought and expression without words or actions.


I think art as a whole should be subversive and provocative and a protest. It should challenge perception and authority and tradition. It should evoke deep emotions, often conflicting and tumultuous. If it's not doing some combination of these things, it's less art than mere design or pretty pictures.

Or some combination of what I listed. Composition, color, texture, etc., I classify as design elements,which are important components of art but I don't consider to be art in and of themselves. But if a work evokes emotion, as I said, not merely an appreciation for something pretty, but something deeper, like joy or sadness or even fear, I think that qualifies. Just my opinion about what sets art apart from design.

I see 'art' as speaking its own language and it can convey meaning on multiple levels depending who's there to 'translate'. I agree with @resserts, if it's 'art' in the full sense of the word it must break some sort of boundary. Be defiant, be provocative, be subversive. Otherwise, it's only copying.

Nicely said, Resserts.


Art has the power to comfort the disturbed and to disturb the comfortable.

What's your reference?


I'm an artist. Art is a reflection of the society in which it was created. No art should ever be censored. It's the same thing as burning books no matter how 'ugly' they may seem to some people. A current example is the Metropolitan Museum of Art has had a petition against one of its famous works of art because, to some people, it is 'suggestive'. Well, then we have to remove all of the works of Degas and Picasso, too. Stupidity in action...


Art works better than words. Art is the most influential tool throughout human history crossing all cultures and groups.

Its got to be appropriate or it insults or causes pain. Like a picture of a man hanging from a rope. That's just so awful even it is telling a story.

Art general aim is to please. If we knew the story why the man was hung, then prepared next time how mistakes like this

Continue.... How mistakes like this can be adjusted, then there is a silver lining to every story.

I'm not sure how this subtopic went from 'art is influential', to hanging man, to a silver lining. I feel like there is a lot being said 'between the lines'.

If you hold a bloody head up of Trump in protest.

You know you have gone too far, even with a scum like him.

I would use big crappy diapers on man baby trump, dancing in a puppet show.


I love art to be used for anything !!!!

Toilet paper art.

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