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Can someone tell me, roughly when did Maher go from being a sort-of-liberal to a cranky conservative? I want to be forewarned so I can keep tabs on myself when I hit that age.

Yeah, lately it iseems sometimes he is snarky just for the sake of beign snaky.


Bill Mather has become the ageing uncle at thanksgiving dinner that everybody has to put up with once a year. Without the audience cue cards telling them when to laugh he is as funny as watery mashed potatoes. He hates wokeism because it is the democratization of criticism. The age when our values were handed down by talking heads like him has passed and knows his days are numbered.
If you listen to him, you might think that all the problems with racism are down to the left. Just like that uncle who starts off with "I'm not racist but..." Off he starts with "Sure the right tries to sometimes try to whitewash history but..." Forgetting that the school that makes the kid makes the cop, the employer, the DA, and the corrections officer. That you would never see a confederate flag flown today or that is any systemic racism in America at all. No, the problem is all judging history by our standards. Mathers excuse for slavery and genocide is "everyone did it". Well read a little closer, not everyone did. Not everyone had slavery written into their constitution. Not everyone enacted race laws that subjugated whole sections of their population. Not everyone had lynchings. Some people refused to own slaves and some people spoke out against it but they wouldn't have been the likes of Uncle Bill.


Lost intrest in his show


Humans are not good people.

No shit, Bill. I also think Presentism is stupid, and lib's should stop bringing it up, but it's exactly what one would expect of a victim oriented society. We are acting a bit like fourteen year olds.

I have to agree. People in a certain time period are not only limited in their information and knowledge that were available to them at that time, depending both on history as well as their economic class, which determines, in most cases, the level of their education. There is also the obvious matter of conformity, because even if someone in a certain time period was aware of the moral wrongness of a policy or tradition of their time, and wanted to buck the system, the fact is that as individuals who are way outnumbered by the majority, there is usually great social and economic cost to breaking the rules of the time, even if doing so might be legal. And Maher is right about this part of it for sure, namely that most people will not buck the majority, unless they are so rich and privileged that they can get away with it without surrendering their freedom and most of their financial comfort. Humans may not all be bad people, but most of them that I have met sure seem pretty selfish when it comes to bucking the system, if it would cost them much of anything, materially or even socially.... They not only want to keep all their stuff, they also want to be popular...

I've been saying this for years! EVERY ''great'' society has had slavery and we can't ''honor'' the Greeks, Romans, Jews, Egyptians, etc, without recognizing that slavery was the cornerstone of their prosperity. Go to Africa and talk to historians about the system used in many countries there....capture people in wars, use them to carry goods to market for sale to the Eastern and Western world and then, sell the slaves. Win/Win.

We have to face the fact that humans can do wonderful, compassionate, creative things....but also have a streak of cruelty, selfishness and bellicosity (is that a word?) which makes them so difficult.

@LucyLoohoo It is now. Yes, Yin/Yang even exists within us. I think because we seem to have an ability to self-reflect that we feel humans can rise above our negative traits but that's a ruse. We can't. The best we can do is understand their origin and try to tame them.

@rainmanjr I've wished SO MANY TIMES that our species had evolved from bonobos, rather than chimpanzees. Female led, bonobos solve every social problem with sex. (Yes...really.) Male led, chimps solve problems with horrendous violence. Not that chimps can't exhibit kindness and empathy, but it's not as common as bonobos' gentle life.

@LucyLoohoo I don't believe we evolved at all. Since we are caught in an illusion we are writing a script to explain the illusion and that includes a sense of history. The only real time is now so past didn't actually happen. It's a fake. I believe that life is consciousness, which demands experiential sensations, and those begin at birth. It ends when our electron's polarity changes and disengages from other electrons.
I'm telling you all that Zen Taoism solves many fights. That's why we seem so relaxed.

@rainmanjr You and I are coming from different directions here. I've spent 30-some years teaching primate evolution to physical anthropology students. If I understand you correctly, you're speaking on a more metaphysical level. BUT--I can bring us together in this way....bonobos are having sex dozens of time every day. They're full of endorphins...which is why they're so relaxed! 🙂


I bumped into his doppelgänger just yesterday (someone who looks exactly like you but isn’t related by blood) on a 7 subway train at the Shea Stadium stop here in Queens.


I thought this was one of his better nights. Sometimes, Bill goes wayyyy overboard and it's hard to take him seriously. He's right about blaming people who lived 500 years ago for their actions simply because they don't fit in with what's ''correct'' now.

Totally agree with you Pam. He was actually pretty good on Friday night. Maybe he started “reading the room” with his fans and is making an adjustment with his comments??

@Redheadedgammy I hope we're right, Rhonda! He actually let his guests finish sentences, rather than just interrupting them the entire hour.

@LucyLoohoo Well, that’s a step in the right direction isn’t it?? Letting people finish their thought is just having manners after all!! Maybe Bill is learning some manners!! 😉

@Redheadedgammy AND...sometimes, I think he's had a bit of weed and gets wired. Not that ANY of us would know ANYTHING about that! 🙂

@LucyLoohoo I think when he is a little high he is a lot nicer to his guests. He should think about doing that more often in my opinion. 😂

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