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This is a blatant lie from the POTUS

The WHO declared a pandemic, only the WHO can declare it is over. And when WHO does declare it over, emergency powers finish for governments around the world.
This means emergency approvals for new medicines over, they should be removed from the market until all testing/ trials completed ie 5 years.
The power to mandate......over
The ability to discriminate over vaccine status...........over

You may be sure our illustrious leaders will attempt to retain emergency powers.
I invite all to fact check who (pun unintended) has the power to declare the pandemic over. The pandemic is not officially over until the WHO declares it is.

NB Pandemic was actually over by definition when world wide spread stopped, becoming endemic everywhere. It was then up to individual countries if they wished to declare epidemics.
Follow the that not what we were all instructed?

puff 8 Sep 21

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People want it to be over and you’ve got to give the people what they crave. I would also declare it over.

The point is purely from a legal perspective. The WHO declaration of a pandemic is what enables emergency legislation to be utilised. A WHO declaration of pandemic over will remove any justification for emergency powers to continue.
We live in a world of misinformation and as a world citizen, I expect world leaders to not bullshit. If Biden wishes to pre-empt the WHO in declaring emergency over he can, others like Denmark have already. But Denmark also removed their emergency powers so so should Biden. A WHO declaration would force countries to either relinquish those emergency powers or else have them declare epidemics in their own countries only in order to keep them in play.
I'm just calling Biden's bluff here eg OK if pandemic over, the USA no longer requires a covid vax for visitors or as a condition of employment. Medical consent will need to be sought before any treatment. Has this happened? If not, pandemic not over so he is talking shit, bluffing the public as he is won't to do going on past behaviour.
At the least he is pre-empting a WHO decision, undermining that organisation with political pressure.

@puff oh well


This is great. I think it is the best video Dr. Campbell has done. He is skating a very fine line with Youtube censorship at the moment and he can't say what he would really like to. He does a great job here making implications without being direct. He has a large volume of educational material published on YT and he is trying to be very careful not to jeopardize that. It has been very interesting watching him come 180 degrees since he began covering the CV 19 vax.

BDair Level 8 Sep 21, 2022

It's what scientist's do, adjust as new information comes to light. Politicians follow agendas whereas statesmen act as scientists do.
Politicians do not declare or cancel pandemics. The WHO does, compromised as they are.


Support your factual claims with evidence or stfu, flat earther.

Have you heard of google? Try typing, like I did, "Officially when does the pandemic end?" And low and behold, you are presented with links. Best to choose reliable ones, like this []
The POTUS is very loose with the truth. If you need proof of that, then again google his speech withdrawing from the primary race in 1987 because he was caught lying about his academic record.
The democrats will get slaughtered in the mid-terms and it will be totally self inflicted.

@puff It's not my responsibility to research your erroneous factual claims. And no, your link does not support your claims. The idea is to do the research before you make the claims so that you actually know what you're talking about. You are a laughing stock.

@LovinLarge Without research, how do you know my claims are erroneous? Did you view the link? My claims came from the horses mouth; Biden said pandemic over. The other link clearly states the WHO is advised every 3 months on whether to declare pandemic continues or over. Reading does not equate comprehension in your case.
When the GOP control congress, I do believe they will insist on an investigation regarding the Bidens, specifically Hunter, dependant on them getting the numbers of course. Looking forward to it, should be more entertaining than the Trump ones with the FBI's handling of things being prominent in both, something all Americans should want cleared up.
Glass houses
PS erroneous factual claims is the best oxymoron I've heard in awhile.

@puff You are entirely full of shit. You are lucky I occasionally mistakenly glance at your posts. Anyone who spends more than 10 seconds reading anything you've written is an idiot. You are one of those hacks who can't get a real job so you spread Russian propaganda online and I know this because you're not an atheist or agnostic so you have no legitimate reason for posting here. Get fucked.

@LovinLarge I can acknowledge I am full of shit. Can you?
Don't need a job as I retired after doing 12 hr shifts for 20 years in foreign lands @ 47. Got all my toys, house, kids grown up, no debt so why work? Because the government says I retire at 67? lol
I can assure you I am as atheist as they get.
If you're an idiot spending more than 10 seconds reading my posts, what does that make you if you spend over 10 seconds responding to them with aggressive, personal attacks but nothing to actually counter my claims?

@puff Her search algorithm wouldn’t be the same as yours so wouldn’t get the same links. Even if one searches out those links I wouldn’t want their cookies in my computer, affecting MY algo’s, so wouldn’t click on them.

@rainmanjr I use duckduckgo which I assume is better than google re algorithms (am I correct here?). Using the right keywords in searches helps.

@puff Not really different. No.

@rainmanjr internet does suck now, not what it used to be

@puff it’s always sucked.

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