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The cowardly USA to stop hiding behind the Ukrainian clown's baggy pantaloons & declare war on Russia?

“The US and its allies are openly seeking to defeat Russia on the battlefield and are ready to sacrifice Ukraine to achieve their geopolitical goals, Lavrov told Newsweek.

When Moscow and Kiev almost reached an agreement in March, this turn of events “obviously frightened the Americans and the British, so they actually forbade Ukraine to conduct further dialogue with Russia,” the Russian diplomat said. This was presumably a reference to revelations by pro-government media in Kiev that UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson had brought such a message to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky. It is objectively not possible to maintain normal communication with Washington” after the US declared “the strategic defeat of Russia” as its policy goal, Lavrov told the outlet."

US ‘teetering on brink’ of being a party to Ukraine conflict – Lavrov []

The USA IMO declared war on Russia after WWII.

FrayedBear 9 Sep 21

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The opening sentence in your post would be more correct if you said "will defeat Russia".

Last, as a matter of curiosity, who told you Americans and British forbade Ukraine to do anything??

Opinions are like tomatoes in summer - plentiful, different sizes, colours & flavours.
Each to their preference.

@FrayedBear Yep, now who told you Americans & Brits "forbade" Ukraine from doing anything?

@Alienbeing #nworsa

@FrayedBear Your link takes one to an unrelated post you made. Try again.


Westernized countries are playing a game , they can not win. Like much of the wars have moved from overseas invasion to their own homeland. They denied gold from banks in 1971 and still doing it. Where the BRICS are buying most of the gold up and trading their goods rather than using US toilet paper fiat currency and petro dollars. Most people are being dealt with or debt with, weapons of mass distraction for now, yet it will come out in the wash.


Do you mean world war 3?

Russia lost 26 million in world War 2
USA lost 298,000
Germans 4.2 million
The largest ethnic group in the US are Germans by far.
Sound like the same people are at it, again. The wealthy Americans Germans slowed down going into the world war 2. DR. Seuss wrote a whole big comic book on the history of world war 2..

"The USA IMO declared war on Russia after WWII. If not during WWII." The fat drunkard Churchill was also very instrumental in the situation.


Yes Churchhill created Isreal They should of erected a statue of Hitler in honor of the Zionist power movement. .[]

Please provide the source of the data you must have for saying that Germans are the largest ethnic "by far".


1st Germans 49 million
2nd blacks and African blacks 41 million


@Castlepaloma Interesting, however according to the numbers in the article the words "by far" do not apply.

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