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LINK Cops ordered him to break the law, then arrested him when he wouldn't - YouTube

Imagine spending weeks in jail because the cops got mad at you because they were wrong and nothing happens to the cops. Isn't that an indication of a police state?

redbai 8 Sep 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Happens way too often. When my nephew was young, he and his friend were stopped because "some teens, over a period of weeks, had been shooting at traffic signals." It was after curfew in the city. They had no weapons, of any kind, with them or in the car. The cops did find some pot "roaches" in the ashtray when they searched the car. Both were underage and interrogated with no parents. Cops offered to "let them off on a pot charge (the 70's) if they confessed to the vandalism." They refused. In the end, my sister had to go pick him up, and no charges were filed.

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