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BOOM! CDC & NIH in panic mode! We are winning! Less than 2% eligible people have taken the updated bi-valent Covid booster shots, 3 weeks into the rollout; claim is lack of public awareness: NO, it is deadly!
Dr. Scott Roberts, a Yale Medicine infectious disease specialist, said the relatively low booster uptake was “demoralizing.” “I would expect much higher proportion of Americans to have gotten booster.
These CDC and NIH corrupted officials say it is because the public is not aware and also feel the pandemic is OVER! Well, it is because the public knows it does not work and it is deadly and that yes, the fraud pandemic is OVER! It will however continue if we did continue the fraud shots that drives selection of more infectious variants.

BDair 8 Sep 24

Enjoy being online again!

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It is carefully hidden behind a constant barrage of disinformation aimed to create a culture of helplessness, hopelessness, ambivalence, and blind acceptance. 
When someone has covid they are already 9 times more protected than taking the vaccines. Half Americans have covid after most have been fully vaccinated. So who does the number , science and logic? certainly not the so called leaders. Monkey pox puts US nation into another state of emergency. There are worse things to come because many have caught on to the vaxxers abuse. Get ready for vaccines for starvation, cyber wars and green passports. Keep staying on top of it for survival, many will be kill by these lethal injection. Grow your own garden for healthy food and medicine and love what you do, is a very good idea.


Comments -

Christine Livesay

"I can’t believe they expect people to believe that the vaccine is so effective that you need a booster every five months. For those who don’t realize this and continue to take the boosters I feel bad for them. As we already know, the more boosters you take the more damage to yourself that you do."

"Imagine Injecting yourself twice a year for the rest of your life. Although your life won’t last that long if you continue to boost."

BDair Level 8 Sep 24, 2022

Steven Jaroszewski

"I sure hope that 98% of the public recognize that there is no need to get the shots that do not work and have dangerous side effects.


I’m looking more forward to the 2% being eliminated from society.


When 78% of the covid deaths are obese, that is a good start to eliminate the stupid. Too much apathy on my plate, I go for the compassion who want to invest into their true health first

It’s comforting to see that opinion on this site full of liberals


Do you mean classic liberal, like I was?
Because many of these so called new liberals here are majoring in the small stuff and so deeply programed. Many unable to live and let live and think for themselves and all this woke stuff. I came here for real science, not corporation science dictatorship.

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