3 Jewish women file suit against Kentucky abortion bans on religious grounds
It's the third such suit brought by Jewish organizations or individuals since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, claiming the state is imposing a Christian understanding of when life begins.
Exactly, and I am so glad they have done this. By the bible life begins at birth and the drawing of the first breath of the child. The modern day Christian ignores this totally and goes for that time the sperm and the egg shook hands. Christians have twisted the scriptures which come from older Jewish scriptures and we have the ever creeping setup for America the "Christian Nation." Sorry folks. We can't do this. It opens up a whole new bucket of worms in many ways. When does religious law and national law become the same? The American Taliban is nothing but a cruel joke. How do you bind Jewish women to your new law?
If it's based on religious grounds then let it be in Religious written in stone for their group as they all agree. And leave the rest of us to our own choices and bodies alone. Even within their group , they have the freedom to leave that group. To force us to live all under a government like a God is insane
My understanding is that life does NOT begin at conception, and numerous examples demonstrate that making that claim has little scientific support.
For example,
Challenge and Prediction:
The anti-abortion faction cannot produce scientific evidence of life starting in a mammal.
But the courts are corrupt now, so the truth will not necessarily will out...
The truth does not matter at all to the courts, esp. to corrupt conservative courts, because it's all based on ideology and power, even law and precedent don't matter anymore, much less science and truth...
I hope it causes them as much squirming and exposure of their hypocrisy as possible, but I know it will not change their theocratic agenda and conduct.
Yes, assholes will always insist on being assholes.
@anglophone The religious theocrats treat government as if all citizens share their beliefs, and if they don't, then those citizens should be without any rights or freedoms, if not persecuted as well. All of that is the definition of theocracy, not that the theocrats would ever admit it about their policies and conduct.