Lol a friend and I was talking about this the other day about how Christians will go on and won’t hestitate to remind you all the time how the Jews are God’s chosen people, and anytime a country does wrong to Israel, that country will pay, including innocent people. Lol I think it is funny as hell when I see people claiming to be the original Jews and fighting over favoritism about this invisible God. I’m kind of like,”Just freaking enjoy the life you live. F*ck all the nonsense of trying to win favoritism from a man made God lmfao.” We both laughed our a••es off about this. What do you think?
The American Indians all had different languages. All the different names we know them by (Cherokee, Arapaho, Navajo) results from them being asked what they called themselves. It turns out that all those names were their word for "THE PEOPLE."
Anyone who espouses a religion thinks they are the 'chosen ones', and that their religion is the best one out there...I know that I'm NOT one of the chosen ones. I can't pretend that I'm sorry for sins to some old guy sitting in a box and's like the sin never happened in the first place. I try not to be a nasty person in the first place, and when I am nasty towards someone, I apologize to them for it. I don't need a safety net to be there in case I slip. I'm a big boy...I know how to wipe my own ass....
I just want to know out of all the races, jews are the chosen people? I don't understand because isn't being jewish 'evil' to the christians?
Lol another good point.
First off there I are no real authentic Jews. Isreal, if it ever existed, was done away with in 722 bce, and Judea was abolished by Tiberius in 66 ce. After that there is no evidence of Jews for like a thousand years. Jews today are what's called Ashkenazi Jews. So the biblical chosen people are gone.
Consider this as a reason for the origin of the "chosen people." If Moses existed and if the esodus is true what it shows is that Moses was both a great leader and a great con man. The Hebrews on the exodus was an unruly, obstreperous bunch of desert nomads whose social behavior had gotten so bad that it was threatening to tear the entire group apart.
So Moses went up on the mountain and carved the 10 commandments dealing with the tribes behavior. Then he came down and told his people that God had made them his "chosen people" if they would agree to live by the commandments and worship him as their only god. If it happened that way, it was a world-class con job and the source of purported status.
beyond smug. offensive even
I agree!
At one point in history in nearly every country religious leaders denied the mass population education. They still teach on this premise that everyone is uneducated. They try to use fear to control the masses: Hence do what I say or some mysterious force is going to punish you.
Born a Jew I cringe when I hear Jews are the chosen people. Whoever came up with that? I actually had a friend say that to me recently. I asked why would you say that? Is it really in the Bible? She is developmently delayed so I don't know. Anyone?
I respect you for being truthful about that and to admit how smug it really is.
Try this []
@Unicorn1824 thank you for sharing.Even though I was brought up Reform I remember some of the prayers and see them in a new light. No god is supreme to another god in my eyes. Why I'm a non-believer in religion
I think Christians are stupid.
They are. They still kiss up to yehwah, even considering what kind of monster he was in the past. Jesus saying no one can be his disciple unless they hate their family not. Yehwah asking Abraham to murder his son, Isaac as a test to see how much he loved him when yehwah would have already known. Most Christians I’ve come across defends this monsterous behavior and is completely fine with animal and human sacrifices. They refuse to see logic.
Yahweh is stupid.
absolutely. Interesting, the people who wrote the Bible say they are God's chosen
Makes me wonder the reason they’re chosen is because they invented this god.
They didn't invent god just that particular incarnation. God/s were invented thousands of years before.