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OK then the Motorbike club I was in (Got kicked out because I was ill one night) a member we all called Jesus because he was an ordained Christian minister, sold me his old Escort Cabriolet last year, it lasted about five weeks before head gasket blew, called me up and asked if I wanted to sell it back to him, asked what he wanted less than he sold it to me but more than scrap value, OK all good, so he then messaged me on facebook telling me he would arrange to pick it up after xmas, all cool so far, remember this was LAST NIGHT AT10.31, at 6.30 TONIGHT I went to message him back and discovered that CHRISTIAN MINISTER had blocked me, CANNOT message him back, well just proves to me at least that Christians and all bastards, please excuse that naughty word, just feeling slightly P1ssed off, not a bad word that, NO I in it, maybe I should have put pee'd off, but still not nice VERY SORRY...

DocDee 4 Dec 6

Enjoy being online again!

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I got a preacher owes me three grand in labor from 22000.For some religion is just another con.


Hey may have screwed you, but he is forgiven...


I think you have a case of discrimination and you should take legal action.

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