The last three Democrat led administrations have all cut deficits, while every Republican administration for more than the last 50 years have all greatly increased deficits. I'd say that means democrats are the more financially responsible party. Republicans only give lip service to fiscal responsibility, and once elected spend like drunken sailors, primarily to benefit the rich.
You will NEVER know this if your primary news source is Fox or you watch GOP political ads.
Yeah, the republicans claim to be fiscally responsible and refer to democrats as the party of "tax and spend". However, the republicans in practice are the party of "borrow and spend". I think that the democrats pay as you go, is more fiscally responsible than republicans borrow and let future generations pick up the bill.
National debt? No dent made in that. $31,000,000,000,000 and counting.
Not a huge brag, "Neither of us can balance the books, but you're more in the red than us nah nah na na nah"
That's last years figures during covid. Average out things over his 4 year term is really all you can do.
I've often wondered all counties seem to be in debt, so to whom do they owe it?