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I just had to post this nonsense.

First, I've not got any political messaging from this TV show nor have I looked for any.

Second, this is a political hack with his own political show complaining about a TV show being political and as such it is garbage and shouldn't be watched. On that point I would agree, don't watch political shows and as such I only made it through about 30 seconds of this video of complete and utter ridiculous political nonsense. Shit these political people can't even find joy in a simple TV show that has nothing to do with politics. Very sad.

FvckY0u 8 Oct 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Whiny Ben canceled Disney+ because their LGBTQ supportive stance. And SheHulk calls out misogyny making Ben very angry? He’s a special snowflake.

Ironically he’s virtue signaling to the reflexively antiwoke. Right wingers have become unhinged by this nonsense. It’s midterm propaganda targeted at the rabid base collective fight/flight response and keep them from reflecting beyond their Manichean binary of us vs them.


Shapiro is a fast-talking asshole specializing in wing-nut propaganda.

Try him at 1.5X. Nails on a chalkboard.

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