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You have got to be joking haven't you? Just how fucking #stupid is the US government?

With 90% of weapons packages reportedly unaccounted for, American inspectors are relying on Kiev to be honest

US struggling to trace arms given to Ukraine – WaPo []

That's like asking the fox in the hen coup not to kill the chooks.

In this day & age I don't know why the weapons are not fitted with tracking devices. I'm sure that Musk's satellite service will provide the means to facilitate communication & monitoring.
I suggest that failure to do so is a crime against humanity.

FrayedBear 9 Nov 2

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Your logic is a crime against sanity.

You're one of the one's bleating that Russia is the only one at fault for invading Ukraine. By that logic USA is the only one responsible for its #stupidity in sending munitions to flame the Ukrainian conflict.

@FrayedBear By this “logic” Roosevelt was fanning the flames of WW2 by enacting the Lend-Lease Act of 1941. Do you believe that, too?

If your neighbour was the victim of a home invasion, would you be escalating the violence if you came to his assistance?

@FrayedBear Which apparently it will not be doing much longer if the GOP/monster raving loony alliance take the house next week, as most of them are running on a joint platform of "No more money or weapons to Ukraine" and "Unlimited rice pudding, with guns in it for everyone"

@NostraDumbass thank you for coming round to my view point - Russia came to the aid of its neighbour the Russian ethnics living in E.Ukraine who in your parlance were being home invaded by the US backed fascist Ukrainian 's.

@LenHazell53 I didn't hear about rice pudding with hard bits!?
I haven't had a rice pud for ages. Must put on the list for the next roundtuit!

@FrayedBear So the Ukrainians provoked Russia by “home-invading” the eastern Ukraine? Really? You can invade your own country? That’s pretty much what you just said. Brilliant. But I would liken it more to Hitler’s “rescue” of the Germans living in the Sudetenland. You instigate unrest in the area on behalf of your “persecuted” brethren for the express purpose of provoking the local authorities. This then creates the required pretext for German/Russian aggression: A faux rescue mission. Oldest trick in the authoritarian’s playbook, yet you fell for it. Oh, and one other minor detail. The borders between Russia and Ukraine were agreed upon and finalized by treaty between the two countries after the breakup of the Soviet Union. Even if everything you say about Ukrainian treatment of ethnic Russians is true, Russia is still 100% responsible for this war. They, not Ukraine, crossed an established border with ill intent. That’s an invasion. That’s an act of war. Case closed.

@NostraDumbass "crossed an established border with ill intent." If a police action to prevent genocide against the citizens of an area is ill intent then I suggest that all of the so called police actions by USA & its NATO lackeys are equally invasions & wrong.

@NostraDumbass and it is equally arguable that the American driven putsch in 2014 was the cause of the current conflict. What was America doing interfering in the government of another country?
You bitched about Trump being elected by spreading the subsequently disproven Rumour about Russian interference in that election.
I don't know how you manage to sleep at night - the scoliosis of your minds & thoughts is sickening to the rest of the world!

@FrayedBear No genocide. No putsch. No scoliosis. But how do you sleep comfortably at night with Poo-tin’s hand 🖐 so far up your rectum in order to reach and manipulate your voice box? My god, I feel like I’m talking to the world’s only living abortion. Comb your hair, brush your teeth, put on your jammies and go to your room. You’re grounded.

@NostraDumbass ROFL LMAO - if you knew me then you too could also ROFL LYAO. You are too much of an American dumbass to be able to achieve that. 1 more IQ point would certify you a dangerous rather than the armageddon type dangerous you are currently.

@NostraDumbass PS. I don't talk in my sleep nor use my own \ others hands, body parts to stimulate my prostate.


This scandal has been going on since April

But the risk, both current US officials and defense analysts say, is that in the long term, some of those weapons may wind up in the hands of other militaries and militias that the US did not intend to arm.
“We have fidelity for a short time, but when it enters the fog of war, we have almost zero,” said one source briefed on US intelligence. “It drops into a big black hole, and you have almost no sense of it at all after a short period of time.”



What's that saying about not learning from your own past experiences?



Thank a democrat

Hillary & Obama were the original movers weren't they?


Sorry, but that idea is as stupid as soldiers wearing body cams. An enemy would merely hack into those tracking devices and blow them up.
Millions went walkabout in Iraq, enough equipment left in Afghanistan to arm a small army and now walkabout weaponry in Ukraine.
The Patriot Act allows the Pentagon to be accountable to no-one. That is where the problem lies and is also the solution ie get rid of that fascist piece of legislation.

puff Level 8 Nov 2, 2022

That must be why all the company fleet vehicles that now have after manufacture tracking devices fixed to them get hacked & blown up. To say nothing of tracking tags that people fix to their luggage when travelling.[]

@FrayedBear I'm pretty sure these new F-35 fighter jets will have a kill switch imbedded in them somewhere, to be activated remotely when it suits.

@FrayedBear Lol have an air tag to keep track of your stuff, suggested you keep the tag on your keys which poses the question; What happens if you lose your keys? (not that anyone has ever misplaced their keys Bahahahahaha)


I think maybe they're hoping some weapons get "lost" and are used on pro-Russian wankers on that side of the globe. 🤣

Worked really well in Syria and Afghanistan after all.

Thank you for your #stupid response. I recall recently reading that USA introduced criminality into Italy & called them the Mafia just as they created ISIS & many other terrorist groups around the world.


Illegal drug and arms dealing is what our government has always done.

BDair Level 8 Nov 2, 2022

Irresponsible mf's aren't they. Just want to illegally inject you with vaccines containing trackers according to some rumours?

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