Since his girlfriend died of cancer in 2016, he has been traveling all over the world. He stays in hotels for 4-6 months and then moves on. Yesterday we talked on the phone. His thyroid cancer is affecting his heart and weight.
I sent him this message.
I'm sorry, but the fact that you have thyroid cancer is a deal breaker for me. Too much heartbreak.
It sounds like you want to fly across the country to have sex with me. No, thank you. Attraction is tricky. I'm either attracted or not. Cannot force it.
Sounds like you have been acting like a rolling stone for years. Looking for a woman to land with. That's not me. Good luck with your search.
You know what you feel. Your honesty is admirable.
Thank you. I appreciate you.
So, it's just sex he's after?
He claims to want a long term, committed relationship.
In other words, a nurse to take care of him, an ailing senior citizen.
Seems like the old "feel sorry for me and let me get a little while I can" approach. I tell people almost daily that words and pictures on a screen do not mean anything. The fact that you did talk on the phone is meaningful but it might be a virtual phone.
Was his last name Williams ?????
Why do you ask? He did not tell me his last name.
@LiterateHiker I was wondering If I had thyroid cancer...
It might be worth taking a look at your profile and maybe tweak it to help weed out the undesirables. Or... Keep it as it is and continue to entertain us.
Please read my profile and look at my photos. "If you are a Trump supporter, hit the back button NOW" didn't work.
I weeded out MAGA idiots with this photo. Ha!
@LiterateHiker The only thing I would add to your profile is...If you can't hike then jump off a dyke.
Very funny!
At first I wrote, "Not attracted to fat, Matt." Quickly deleted it because it would trigger angry messages from portly guys.
@LiterateHiker That it would. And...I like your nod to 50 ways to leave your lover.
Thank you.
Did you notice I used the same rhythm and meter as Paul Simon's song?
@LiterateHiker I did. That's how I noticed.
@LiterateHiker You could add Ike after dyke. lol
@LiterateHiker Do you ever get the feeling they are just looking at your photo and not reading the profile or are just incapable of comprehending that it applies to them?
Many men look at photos and don't read my profile. It's obvious.
@LiterateHiker Yep.
You sure do get some weird ones. Nevertheless I'm sure he will find plenty of women to have sex with him.
I just rejected 3 men from Portland, OR. That's 300 miles away. Too far.
Seems like they’re ALL weird ones on the dating sites.
@MsKathleen that seems to be the expectation. Women are very suspicious of me.
Seriously, I'm not into nursing. He'd be a no go for me as well. Sucks to be sick and have no one.