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LINK 9/11 and the Scientific Method | Part 1: Motion | Jonathan Cole, PE - YouTube

This is the science I feel is being ignored when rejecting the official 9/11 narrative is dismissed as conspiracy theory.

Skeptics groups themselves don't try to replicate the collapses. Sure, it's easy to debunk paranormal pseudoscience, but this is real world physics.

I think they've really dropped the ball in this regard.

WilliamCharles 8 Nov 5

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9/11 Truth

Published by USC Bedrosian Center on March 15, 2015

by Peter Robertson

There is a popular conspiracy theory that claims a group of nineteen radical Muslims, under the direction of a Saudi Arabian man hiding out in Afghanistan, nearly simultaneously hijacked four American airplanes and turned them towards their intended targets, with three of them successfully flying into the Pentagon and World Trade Center Twin Towers and the fourth crashing into the Pennsylvania countryside after passengers struggled to retake control of the plane. Despite serious questions and concerns about many of the details of this theory regarding what transpired on September 11, 2001, a significant number of Americans apparently believe that the theory is an accurate account of the events of that day. In fact, this conspiracy theory has been christened the “official story,” institutionalized by The 9/11 Commission Report and left largely unchallenged by public officials and the mass media. Ironically, those who dare challenge the veracity of this story are typically derided as “conspiracy theorists.”




"Today ( 9/11/21, 20 years later) conspiracy theories remain widespread:

1 in 6 Americans think Bush administration officials knew about the attacks and intentionally let them happen so they could wage war in the Middle East.

Others go further, arguing that the government planned and executed the attacks."

Still other argue about the science and physics of the event.

Good reading.


"News media should illuminate conflicts of interest, not embody them. But the owner of the Washington Post is now doing big business with the Central Intelligence Agency, while readers of the newspaper’s CIA coverage are left in the dark.

The Post’s new owner, Jeff Bezos, is the founder and CEO of Amazon — which recently landed a $600 million contract with the CIA. But the Post’s articles about the CIA are not disclosing that the newspaper’s sole owner is the main owner of CIA business partner Amazon."



Complete with exciting music...

Hard to believe that folk still think that there was a "conspiracy" to bring down those buildings.

Kind of akin to being #religulous.

Being tied to the official narrative is a form of "religious" irrationalism. The physics observed in the collapse(s) says otherwise.

It doesn't really matter what comes after determining that the explanations for the collapses don't wash. That they don't is pretty much established.

@WilliamCharles Sorry...I disagree.

The physics is logical.

You're assuming a conspiracy to collapse the buildings at the exact moment that the jet airliners crashed in to them is real?



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