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LINK How the Democrats Messed Up. What They Can Do Now. | Ted Rall's Rallblog

"You can’t blame the Democrats for spinning the fact that their losses fell short of worst-case scenarios. But elections are arithmetic, not calculus. A loss is a loss. Democrats lost the midterms."

WilliamCharles 8 Nov 15

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Ted Rall is one of my fav political cartoonists, because he tells the harsh truth, and with the kind of genuine rage and anger I feel about our system here. But you can bet the house on it that all of his suggestions will be dutifully ignored, because the DNC only cares about the corporate campaign cash and their donor class, not about getting anything done for the voters or their base, or even about winning elections. Only suckers still believe they care about winning more than their campaign money, their congressional pensions, and their place in the revolving door system between congress and careers later as lobbyists or corporate jobs after they leave office, all of which they can look forward to whether they are in control of DC or not. It's actually easier for them if they are out of power, because the perks mentioned above keep coming for them, and all they need to do is complain about the Repubs, with no pressure on the Dems to deliver or produce anything for the voters.


You know this is a conservative, right wing post when they write; " Voters’ top issue this year was the economy, specially inflation" - it's clear to me that Biden didn't cause, nor act to increase inflation.

It's a socio-economic issue.

More population (200.000 more births, than deaths per day) and limited resources means every day everyone has to fight harder, work longer, to make the same $$.

Sad that U.S. republicans still blame a president for his decisions.

I guess they're still butt-hurt over losing in 2020?


Jeez... Rall isn't right wing. It doesn't matter if Biden is responsible for inflation and the like or not, perception is important. People vote their pocketbooks books. Biden was lucky the social issues gave the party some extra steam. But they gotta get past the "Not Trump!" platform as their sole reason for being. At some point that dog won't hunt.


Dems won almost every contest of importance. We lost only one Governor's race but gained two.

Maybe where you live, but in Iowa, the Repubs won almost everything, as far as statewide races. And the one Dem that won only got by with a 1% margin. We are a one party state here, just as red as Alabama or Mississippi, so I call bullshit and fail to share your rosy assessment.

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