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LINK Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona: Why I’m registering as an independent

From the link

... I have never fit perfectly in either national party.

Boy that's an understatement. From what I've seen, her biggest talent is personal grift -- which makes her a much better fit for the modern Republican party in my opinion. But she'll try to save her specialness by registering Independent.

It's not like she will be reelected in 2024 anyway. She might as well collect as much spotlight as she can while she can.

RichCC 8 Dec 9

Enjoy being online again!

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You're right, she will not even run for re-election. She already has her cushy corporate or lobbyist job lined up, secretly. In the meantime, she loves the spotlight, and will suck up all she can of it until she leaves office. The Dems should have wrote her off long ago, same with Manchin, but behind those two, there are plenty of other centrist, corrupt, corporate Dems to take a hit for the team and play the villain, so that voters think the rest of the party is actually on their side and responsive to us peasants...

And the rubes who vote Dem, of course, keep buying the act...

Just shows that they ALL are white collar crooks.

@CuddyCruiser Ding, ding, you are correct sir! And even Bernie, who is not just in it for the money, like the rest of them in DC, is still pretty corrupt, choosing to suck up to the Dems just to keep his own power and perks in congress, instead of leaving them behind and starting the third party he could have given us back in 2016. He sells out too, just not for money, like the rest of them. And all he gets for it, is a powerless platform to complain about the Dems, but then cave to them every time. So in that way, he serves as a sheepdog to keep progressive voters inside the duopoly, instead of voting outside of it, and making the Dem Party appear to be more different than the Repubs than they actually are. He is the showdog for them to keep the progressives in line, when he has no power in the party and none of its leaders listen to him. He is the lipstick on the Dem Party pig...

And I am waiting for the Dem Party apologists and loyalists to show up and bash me in, 3, 2, 1......

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