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LINK Trump's call to suspend Constitution not a 2024 deal-breaker, House Republican says

An older story, but I wanted to ask- Why can't more Republicans stand up against the people who want America to become an authoritarian dictatorship? It seems like a no-brainer.

I can only conclude that many high GOP officials are moral cowards who are so afraid of the MAGA crowd that they'll excuse anything, as long as they get to cling limpet-like to their own personal power.

Contradict me, I dare you.

Paul4747 8 Dec 9

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Party over country. They'll do anything to win. Everything they've ever said about freedom and democracy was total bullshit and everyone knows. I just wish all those spineless, piece of shit motherfuckers all had to take out those pocket constitutions they liked to wave around as a prop, eat it, choke on it, and fucking die. Fuck all those treasonous bitches.

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