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Merry Christmas to all

rogerbenham 8 Dec 15

Enjoy being online again!

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You don't believe in Santa? Sinta Claus? Anyway, what is wrong with humbug? My day length today is 7 hours and 16 minutes. A bit of fun helps.

@rogerbenham There is no Jesus (if there was he was a bastard). Virgin Mary (she got knocked up). If you don't put up Christmas decorations, you don't have to take them down. I have no family so I don't have to pretend. I give money to my trash men and my mailman. Merry Fucking Christians.

@barjoe Obviously since I am on this site I am not a Christian, But I do not have any grievance against them and do like to join in the fun. I have no decorations up but that is because I have been far too ill.

@rogerbenham Oh I'm sorry to hear that. Please be good to yourself and enjoy this holiday season if it brings you joy. I hope you'll be feeling better.

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