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I have previously submitted statements from this organization under the environmental group. However, this one, a major pronouncement, struck a nerve about another subject that is of utmost importance, ‘morality.’ Of all the contentiousness of this subject morality is the one that, to me, has the strongest hold. [] I know there will be a lot of negative comments about a Catholic historian authoring this piece. There are a lot of ‘Catholics’ that point fingers at their church’s dogma. On the site there were several comments about this issue and they were mostly shot down especially by an Italian woman who makes regular comments to the site. is my fun site. Other sites are my more serious sites.

JackPedigo 9 Dec 21

Enjoy being online again!

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My guess there will never be any sort of "voluntary" reduction and so everyone will suffer when nature takes us out. When i say reduction I don't mean killing people off, though the idea has it's appeal😏, I mean just stop having babies🥺. Good luck with that.

Being involved with various population focused groups and talking to friends you'd be surprised how many women and couples do not want to have children because of this issue. It has been shown that when women are educated they almost always opt for smaller families.

Every time I see a documentary clip of areas of Africa and Asia where warfare, drought, and famine are ever present, the only thing they seem to be capable of is birthing children. Every woman in these refugee camps, waiting for free food drop offs, generally have half a dozen or more kids straggling behind them. Where are the organizations distributing birth control, providing IUD’s or vasectomies. These would do far more good than free food, or medicine. These countries will never get out of abject poverty and social unrest until they reduce their birth rates. But it seems no one has the stomach to push for what should be an obvious solution.

@Barnie2years The key to so much in the world is education!


Jack....I AM STUNNED TO SEE THIS! Seriously stunned! Will they deny him the rites now? WOW!

Of course he's right.

LOL, at one time I had two goals, to write a book and get excommunicated. I once had a debate with the local archbishop but he still didn't give me what I wanted. Why write a book as even just on I have written several books worth. Glad you got something out of the article, even if it was not very positive. I have been extremely active on this track for 28 years. I get these reports every two weeks and they all hit one in the gut.

Well...BRAVO. How often do they excommunicate their members?

@LucyLoohoo It seems to depend on whose doing the excommunication. Unfortunately, here in liberal Seattle it's a really high bar.


Trying to get the Catholic Church to back off of it's insanity is a fool's errand. Which is why we are so fucked.


" is my fun site. Other sites are my more serious sites." I agree.

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