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Watching Miracle on 34th Street for the umpteenth time last night, I thought about substituting "god" for "Santa" every time the characters apply skepticism to Edmund Gwenn's character.

Also, a great line said by Fred Gaily and repeated by Doris Walker, "Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to." I usually use the biblical definition, "faith is believing in what one hopes to be true", paraphrased from Hebrews 11:1. I think I'll use this Miracle line as well, since most would not condone abandoning common sense. If only everyone applied the same skepticism to gods as they do to Santa and the Easter Bunny.

All this being said, the 1947 version of Miracle is my favorite holiday films.

dfross 5 Dec 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Tonight, we watched the Alistair Sim 1951's A Christmas Carol.

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