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LINK Rumination on My Theory of Everything (42) - YouTube

My theory has evolved since I first started putting them on YouTube so I updated and deleted those younger daze. I was wild.

rainmanjr 8 Dec 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Neils Bohr, one of the founders of quantum mechanics believed that everything in the universe arises in a state of polarity. The Chinese Yin Yang symbol is displayed on the Coat of Arms that he was awarded by the Royal Danish Court for his contribution to physics.

The concept of duality is not knew and existed even before the time of Rene Descartes who firmly imprinted the notion in western philosophical thought. However, Neils Bohr saw states of polarity as being complementary and not opposites as is commonly conceived. To favour one state in a polar system over another is to completely miss the point.

Who's favoring a polarity? When attracted the electrons bond. When polarity repels our electron releases and this illusion ends.

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