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LINK What Will Happen When Pope Benedict Dies? | indy100

What a stupid question? He'll be infested with maggots. Vatican Frank is asking a billion Catholics to pray for former Hitler youth member Joe Ratzinger. Do you think the invisible man will help? I don't think so. Benedict XVI gonna croak any minute.

barjoe 9 Dec 28

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They'll be pleased to get rid of them. So, nothing, except a lot of phoney Catholic wailing, then it's on to waiting for Frank to kark it, then the next head grifter to run the grift, and I'm guessing the next head grifter won't be a 'progressive' Pope -- providing one is gullible to believe that Frank is really progressive.


He's not Pope. He's an old freeloader living in The Vatican. Nobody of substance will care that he's dead.

They care. I just saw on tonights news Philly Archdiocese having special masses for Benedict XVI. I'm sure that bullshit is going on all over the world.

@barjoe I wrote nobody of substance.


Doubtless, he will be entombed, enshrined, and enshrouded in his own stench. Rotting from the inside and rotting from the outside, indeed, rotten through and through. Rotten in death as he was in life.

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