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More disturbing news about Covid []

JackPedigo 9 Jan 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Thanks for posting. There were some other interesting articles on the site so I have book marked it!

I found this group in our local paper (Seattle TImes) and have virtually subscribed to it for years.


On a lighter note I enjoyed Roger's recollections of the Permian Extinction.


I did hear doctors discussing how they've discovered that the "brain fog" people are noticing might actually be a permanent damage to the brain. Ack! That is enough to scare me into keeping my resolve to avoid catching it. I like my brain and fear I've already lost some of my mental capacity due to aging, but maybe it's also whatever respiratory illness I had in Jan 2020.

I also worry that my lungs were damaged permanently, as I'm still not able to get full lung capacity when swimming as I once had. I wonder if lingering permanent covid damage is contributing the climbing number of drowning deaths we've been seeing in Hawaii.

Gotta wonder if visitors are assuming they have their old lung capacity and get distressed while swimming in the ocean and drown. There's been an uptick lately is visitor drownings, and I have to wonder if covid is partially to blame.

It could well be that a previous Sars-Cov-2 infection played a role in the increased number of people who drowned in Hawaii.

A friend in Sweden told me that his next door neighbour who is a 24 year professional female athlete contracted Sars-Cov-2 in June 2020 and she spent five weeks in hospital before being discharged and given an oxygen bottle. She has ongoing appointments with a cardiologist and suffers from brain fog.

In contrast to the above I have an 80 year old friend who has underlying medical conditions. He caught Sars-Cov-2 and spent five days in hospital. After he was discharged it took him another month to fully recover. This makes me wonder what role individual genetics play in recovery.


In the comments section :
Were the deceased vaccinated ?
None of the deceased were vaccinated.

. . .an important distinction. 😮

Thank you.


And yet most are taking zero precautions now. I have lost faith in the intelligence of this species.

MizJ Level 8 Jan 7, 2023

Undertakers beware. We shouldn't be surprised as other viruses do the same. That's one reason Ebola was so bad early on; the dead were released for ritual cleaning and the cleaners got sick.


I thought that there was a fear that permafrost thawing would thaw long dead animals from which a deadly virus could then escape.

Still a fear, although, so far, nothing unmanageable has seemingly escaped. Exploding methane is another fear in the Tundra as it thaws.

@Beowulfsfriend As a Green Party candidate several times, I spoke about the danger of methane, Methyl Clathrates sub sea and permafrost melting. People took very little notice of what I spoke just as even now they try to ignore the colossal implications.

@rogerbenham I read about a massive release of methane in the oceans over a hundred thousand years ago and its impact. Some scientists fear a similar thing is possible along with an almost certain impact of rising ocean CO2 levels. We are just seeing the beginning of Climate change troubles. Seems the majority of people only care about their own current situation, even if asked about their grandchildren who they "love so dearly."

@Beowulfsfriend Thought to be the final straw at the 95% die off 250 million years ago preceded by vast volcanic activity across Russia as far as I remember.

@rogerbenham And today we have a similar problem. It's been dubbed the Anthropocene.

@JackPedigo I am fully aware of this after 27 years of following.

We need to Stop pretending we can change peoples' habits easily.

@rogerbenham I had a discussion with a friend last night. She was a librarian for years and told me the days before April 15th all the libraries had to set out a ton of IRS forms. Most tax services get swamped in the days before the filing deadline. My comment came from a comment I made about my brother and his wife going to do their last minute shopping on Xmas eve. I got a huge dose of what's it like to be in an urban setting. Noooo thanks.

@JackPedigo You live so out in the sea that you must be regarded as living further out than I, yet you are so close to 4 huge urban centres. There are some 40,000 in Prince George, which is 250 miles away. Vancouver must be within 50 miles of you and is 800 from me!

@rogerbenham 50 miles is about right. Bellingham is even closer, Seattle a bit further. There are also good size towns, Anacortes and Mt. Vernon/Burlington. This island is approx 15 miles from the mainland, which is also an island, Fidalgo.

@JackPedigo And Victoria and Vancouver?

@rogerbenham The part about 50 miles is from Vancouver. Victoria is close if one was a crow. Otherwise, at least one and often two ferries. Actually, it is west of me and I can often see the city lights, weather permitting.

@JackPedigo Vancouver is 800 miles by road. Victoria is half the length of BC via Prince Rupert, the Inland ferry, Port Hardy and the length of the island.

@rogerbenham You are a long way from 'civilization.' Which may not be a bad thing.

@JackPedigo I find city folk are living in a constructed world that gets further and further from reality.

@rogerbenham It is and since moving to a rural/ island culture 13 years ago I have come to see your point.

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