Hypothetically speaking there's a person named John. John's life is excellent. By all signs he's a great dude. Only one thing. He believes his refrigerator is a penguin. It's not a problem. He doesn't tell anyone cause it just is what it is and is perfectly normal to him. There's not a single person in the world that has a problem with it cause no one knows about it and even if they did who cares? John is viewed by everyone as a wonderful guy. Certainly not an asshole.
Take that same John and his belief that his frig is a penguin. Now John tells everyone about his penguin and how their refrigerators are also penguins and they must identify with that at the very least. Short of that John hasn't any use for them. John may shit upon the no penguin believers. John is an asshole.
Every major religion's dogma is about spreading it to others. Religion teaches a person how to be an asshole and further encourages it.
If you have a good idea, the world will come to your door. But if you think that fridges are penguins, then you need a good agency to help to push the idea, fortunately God accept all clients, and does not charge any fees, so you get to keep everything.
Zorasterism, while not a major religion, Freddie Mercury was born one, does not seek out nor allow converts. Those would be my kind of neighbors. Plus, they used to put the dead out to be eaten by animals, mostly vultures.
When I visited the large Baih'i temple in Chicago, I was surprised to learn that they accept no donations from non-members.
All that said, yep, religion seems to thrive on being annoying and full of asshole people.
@FvckY0u The largest group is found in Iran.
Yes there are a few like that, the Samaritans for one are very famous thanks to the Bible story, though in reality thanks to their no converts rules, there are now only a few thousand left.