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Excited Scientists Make Type-2 Diabetes Breakthrough With First-Ever Glimpse At How Protein Behind Disease Works


xenoview 8 Jan 14

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It's awesome to see scientists making strides in understanding the protein behind type-2 diabetes. This could have huge implications for related illnesses too!
I'm actually pretty new to this forum, and I'm excited to learn more about the latest medical developments. Speaking of which, I recently discovered some best multivitamins for diabetics that have helped me manage my own health.
I totally agree with you about the importance of investing in medical research. It's crazy to think about how much more we could accomplish with even more funding. Here's hoping that this breakthrough is just the start of many more to come!


I have a lot of people with diabetes in my family, so I'm glad to hear such news.


. . . article is 2+ years old. 😛

. . . newer, better (Both Type 1/2)


Thanks for the link.


An interesting discovery, but far from being anything like a breakthrough. Clickbait. Too bad.


As a Type 2 diabetic, I would like to know more.

Have you heard of Gluco Freeze? It's an herbal supplement. It helped me stop being a prediabetic.


Working with the protein molecule,, if my reading is correct, can be carried out to other related illnesses aside from diabetes. That's good.

Medical break thrus are happening all the time. If the US would dump $10 billion a year into research we would have more cures or treatments for diseases.

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