9 13

Stuck with a jerk? Have fun on your own.

I dated a local chiropractor for three weeks. Admittedly, we didn't know each other well. Then Biff (what a name!) flew me to Oahu Island, Hawaii.

To my surprise, Biff took me to a nude beach. Over 3/4 of the people were men ogling women.

Modest, I kept my bikini on. Spread out my towel next to Biff. He rudely told me to stay away from him. "Go feed the fishes." Then he set off to hit on naked women.

I made friends on the beach. Had fun snorkeling with giant turtles and colorful fish. Did Tai Chi on the sand and danced by the bonfire.

After dark I searched for Biff because he had the keys to the car. Found him lacing up the crotch of leather pants on a naked, extremely drunk young woman. Biff tried to convince me to let him bring two drunk young women back to the hotel, but I refused.

Tried to get an airline flight to leave early to no avail. Three days to go.

By myself I had fun meditating, journaling, windsurfing with a group, reading, walking on the beach, shopping, swimming laps in the hotel pool, and exploring the island. Refused to let him ruin my vacation. Slept on the couch.

Periodically Biff tried to make up with me. "I have never been treated so poorly by a man," I told him. "I don't feel emotionally safe with you. Why did you bring me to Hawaii if you don't want to spend time with me?"

"You are highly intelligent and a great conversationalist," Biff replied. "I have feelings, too," I said and walked away.

When we got to the airport, I ran ahead and changed my seat away from him.

I felt proud of myself for having fun and not letting him spoil the trip.

LiterateHiker 9 Jan 22

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Biff did something for which I will always be grateful.

Starting at age 24, morons in ski shops set my bindings at 12. Great for a gorilla but bad for a 110 lb. girl.

When I fell my skis stayed attached, repeatedly injuring my knees. I became a cautious skier afraid of letting go.

Biff noticed. He had us stand on a carpeted floor with my skis and ski boots on. Screwdriver at hand.

"Fall into my arms," he said. At first I was scared. He had me fall in different directions. "Again." He gradually adjusted my binding settings down. He even kicked my hard ski boots to see if a blow from the side made them detach. Getting mowed down and injured by reckless snowboarders is a constant danger.

Biff was patient and methodical. Finally he had my ski bindings set so they release when I fall: at 2.

Now that sounds a lot more like a man that is worth the attention. Very odd that he was so much a jerk in Hawaii.


People are complex. This happened before we went to Hawaii.

@LiterateHiker I assumed that, since the Hawaii trip sounded like a deal breaker.


actually sounds like you had the better time. Not surprised at all but proud of you anyway!


Thank you, dear.

My guess is Biff spent his time on that nude beach picking up women.

During one of our conversations in Hawaii, he revealed he is in counseling for sex addiction. That's why his former wife dumped him.

Glad I never had sex with him. Previously we spent time together downhill skiing and eating lunch in the lodge.


Let me count:
Biff had you with him on vacation.
2 drunken young ladies wanting (?) to return to the hotel room.
A lady on the beach with leather pants off. Mostly off, I assume.

4! Biff's a bad, bad boy with quite an active pulse

twill Level 7 Jan 22, 2023

Biff, the character in Back to the Future was modeled on.......Donald Trump

twill Level 7 Jan 22, 2023

They say that the best way to figure out if you want to spend time with someone is to take a trip with them. At least you were in Hawaii at the time. It sounds like you had an amazing trip.


Windsurfing was the funniest experience. There was a strong onshore wind that blasted us back to the beach. Everyone else gave up and sat on the beach watching me. We had two hours.

"Do you have a smaller storm sail?" I asked the instructor. No.

Well, I am a strong sailor with determination to spare. Grew up on a lake in Michigan with three sailboats.

I spent an hour battling the wind. My sailing pattern was like blackberry vines looping across the land. I'd sail out, try to tack (turn) and got blown back to the beach.

@LiterateHiker My husband has a sailboat on Lake Champlain. It is pretty awesome.


It's very weird that he took you on a vacation but didn't seem focused on you; usually, that is the point to taking a trip together.


With a name like Biff, what did you expect😉


I think it was nickname or family name.

"Biff" means to sharply hit a person's nose.

@LiterateHiker I may have been channeling the Back To The Future movies, wasn’t Biff the A-hole bully…….


Great picture. Glad to know you were able to enjoy yourself without Biff. ( Who the heck came up with the name Biff? 🤪🤣)

Unity Level 8 Jan 22, 2023


It's probably a nickname or family name.

Biff means to sharply hit someone's nose.


I like the underwater photograph with its nice crisp definition. Sounds like a story my niece told me a few years ago when she had a boyfriend who would hit on other women; even in front of her he did it. One day we had a long video conversation and shortly afterwards she got rid of him.

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