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Again, power.


Morality at it's pinnacle. The sad part is that the female parishioners probably buy into the b.s.

All this coming from a book written by men. SAD

I do agree that a woman's body is a temple and I love to explore.


that's a man thing as god seems to be. strange that.


If we belong to god, then certain MEN need to back the hell off!

Zster Level 8 Dec 7, 2017

Well now, that just violates the 13th Amendment. How un-American!


They are promised "Free Will" and yet they are "Owned"? A little confused are they?

Betty Level 8 Dec 7, 2017

as are the amendments


God should go and get his own body. I have some clay if he's really that desperate.

he couldn't even make his own girlfriend to make Jesus so why would he?


What a load of controlling crap. And women are suppose to follow him because he talks to god?????


That Pastor's foot belongs to God, but it doesn't stop him putting it in his mouth.

godef Level 7 Dec 7, 2017

It has always amazed me that so many women support somebody like this. I guess it's no different than the poor supporting the silly tax plan that congress is trying to ram through. My goodness.

gearl Level 8 Dec 7, 2017

I wish him pregnant !


My grandfather used to say "Some folks are just long on nerve and shy on brains." What is Pasor Jeff scared of?

Totally stealing that.


I would not trust this snake at all. He is one of those snake oil salesmen who would sell out his mother if it would give him more money, power, and control. He does not give a damned about people or their rights.

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