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........................ What good is art ?................................ Art helps you pass the time on your way to death

art challenges your senses

art allows you to see the world differently

ask art a question. It may answer you

art massages your psyche

art fills spaces and covers holes

art replaces words

art defies an explanation but may also provide one

art lowers your blood pressure

art justifies existence

art endures

fishline79 7 Jan 26

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Art is wonderful, beautiful and wonderful, I love it. ( Which is the problem.)

Because like beautiful things it is dangerous, and not to be trusted, most of all it should never be believed in, as a source of truth, for as a religion promoting dogma it is at its most dangerous. And like any god, "Art" as an entity does not exist, art is just a name we give to another none existent being like god. Belief in the "truth" of art is like belief in any religion, just another name for the fallacy called, proof from authority.

Art is the name we give to the use of technology to manipulate our minds and emotions, but our ape brains made for life in the forest, did not evolve to cope with technology, or its influence over us. That is why art is always the first and most beloved weapon of dictators and tyrants. And why the churches of cruel gods, and the palaces of dictators are always filled with it, like nowhere else.

And like all other religions, the art religion can mislead, art can prop up falsehoods, art can justify cruelty, art can be addictive, art can blunt the senses. Religion itself is the greatest and most widespread of all arts, for like that art supports narcissism, indeed may even be a synonym for human narcissism. ( If you don't believe that just try substituting the word art in your lines above for the words "religion" or "narcissism". )
They may not lower blood pressure, but the rest work.

At the mouth of every trap is bait, and bait is never ugly, indeed it may be more beautiful to those tempted than reality.

The video is unavailable to me here in the U.S.

@Redheadedgammy Sorry, it is the BBC.

Fernapple: I am totally confused by your comment about Art. It sounds like you are referring to "truth" or "god". Art doesn't pretend to be true or safe or trustworthy, or manipulative. To assign those qualities to art is totally a matter of subjectivity. Art exists or not, depending on your point of view. It defies description, and requires none. Art is the antithesis to religion and those who buy and sell it are parasites and bullies.

@fishline79 Sorry this is a bit long, but I hope you will stick with it.

A lot of art is yes neutral, but firstly there is a belief in "high" art which is widespread and deeply embedded in our culture. In which there is said to be an artistic culture which is thought of as having its own truth. Great artists are though to be able to tap into that, and they thereby gain authority. Which is a very religious view, religion in many ways being a synonym for the "proof by authority" fallacy. While moreover other religions are able to buy into that authority, a share of the artistic cult if you like, simple by exhibiting or commissioning art.

And secondly, perhaps far more importantly, you have to understand that we are products of our evolution. And evolution by natural selection can only work retrospectively, it can not prefit any creature for a new environment, if creatures land in new environments by accident, they may survive, but they will be ill fitted to that environment for a long time. And few creatures had such a sudden and dramatic change of environment as we did, when we moved from being hunters in the forest, to being civilized creatures living in a mainly cultural environment. Nearly all of which culture is some form of art. A world for which we have no pre-adaptions.

For example. A company wants to sell us garden furniture, so it shows us a picture of large numbers of impossibly beautiful people more than would ever gather naturally, with some airbrushing, in a garden, having an impossibly good time, with wonderful food, and people run out to buy the furniture. Because our poor ape brains are fooled, we do not really want the furniture, what we really want are the friends, the food and the party. Art is used to manipulate us, by overloading our ape brains. That is why nobody spends as much on art as people like the Nazis did, because all art is advertising and most is an attempt at mind control, 'NOT' always for bad purposes, but often.

While religion is itself an art form, perhaps the biggest art form of them all, incorporating everything from painting and litrature to story telling. The purest form of advertising, with no other product to sell but more of itself, and its own artistic life. And we poor apes, made to live in groups of no more than thirty or forty in the shade of the forest, walk into the cathedral lit by a thousand stained glass windows and candles, glittering with gold, hung with great paintings, and we hear a thousand voices singing hymns composed by rare geniuses, all played on instruments which could not be made in a forest with the resources of hunter gatherers. And we go weak at the knees in awe. Which awe we are told, comes from god, but it does not come from god, it comes from artistic technology.

@Fernapple I see why you are a "9". They must award level points according to verbosity. I think you are referring to illustration rather than art. I don't categorize graphic propaganda as "art" do you? And the concept of art in the natural world, as you well know, is exclusive to our species. I don't think of "art" as you apparently do. As I said, it is very subjective, or personal, if you will, and as I also said, it defies description, and, as such, it is futile to qualify or discuss it's merits. Of course, I separate that condition from the use of the word as a metaphor, as in, "That car is a work of art", such as I would use when referring to a Jaguar XJ 13.

By the way, I don't consider religion as "Art", just because they use it in their institutions, as the furniture salesman would, but I would have to consider that use of paintings and sculptures in Renaissance Art, for example, can be included as objects of art. I don't have to be religious to consider the great cathedrals of Europe as art so I won't disagree with your statements. Anyway, what use would it serve if I did?

@fishline79 Then you are a true believer in the art religion. (Not religion as an art.) I would define art, as any use of technology, to promote ideas or entertain rather than produce material goods. If you wish to define it in the "high art" sense, then I am sorry but you are promoting a religious cult. I do define graphic propaganda as art in the broard sense, because I do not believe that art in any other sense really exists, just as I do not believe that the sky fairy, ghosts or the big foot exists. Nor do I believe that it defies description, art in the high sense defies description in the same way that god or spirituality defy description, because, what does not exist can not be described.

Nor do I consider religion as an art merely because it uses other art forms. But because it is a technology used to manipulate human minds, just like graphic propaganda.

@Fernapple I defer to your superior knowledge of the subject. I have an "artistic" temperament. Not a "scientific" one, or as they say, "I don't know much about art. I just know what I like?" LOL

@fishline79 I am the same, I don't know much about art, who does ? But I like it.


Art who?


The older I get the more time I have to appreciate art. Luckily art takes many forms.


Why are you yelling bro?


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