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LINK ‘Reprehensible’: Jim Breuer makes fun of Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest at Christian event -

The hate right wingers have shown for a young man who suffered a horrendous injury and almost died. I think they hate him because he was fully vaccinated and they claim that's why he went into cardiac arrest. Jim Breuer is a shameful piece of shit and he's not funny.

barjoe 9 Jan 29

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How very JESUSY of him! "Don't do as I as I do."


Jim Breuer is a nasty peice of s---. He typifies all things Rethuglican: ignorance, prejudice, hate and fear.


Laughing at a guy who collapsed and almost died on a football field? Because he was vaccinated? That's very strange.
But so are they, in a dangerous, ignorant, stupid way.

Christians think it's funny. Horrible people.

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