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Saw this full page add in the Seattle Times. Even church going Catholics are getting upset and organizing. Maybe, just maybe some will be ripe to finally wake up.

jackjr 7 Jan 30

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You cannot heal a fucking Zombie, you can only shoot it in the head before it eats someone else you care about.

A lot of one time 'liberal' church goers have finally seen the light and gone over to being agnostics.


The Catholic church is really a different church in every country, where it is forced to move one way in one, it moves back in another.

For some time it has been leaning strong on Africa. Lots of new kids to molest. In many parts of Africa family planning is unheard of.

@jackjr underdeveloped countries are easy pickins.

And the catholic church has been accused of telling Africans that condoms help transmit AIDS


Exactly when did it become their church? I and The Pope thought it was that of Jesus, who has gotten usurped by his dad and white power.


Heal the church? How about healing the kids?

I think it's meant to imply the situation that has created such violence and sexual abuse needs to be changed and that the Poop needs to relinquish some power as he is failing.


Funny, since old Pope Frank Eyes is currently over there laying down the law about traditional Catholic 'values' -- moral narrow mindedness -- to appease the lunatic core believers. Perhaps he was shaken by the late ( good) George Pell's back stab letter telling him the Catholic rump hate him and his 'reform' is a farce. I suspect Franko has decided he's no longer fooling the so- called progressives, so he might as well suck up to the traditionalists to shore up his position. All a farce.

His biggest problem is he is losing priests. A recent report said that new priests are mostly gay.


Seems they have been the sheep too Long now!!!

They just are tired of being lied and ripped off monetarily and spiritually!!!

There is always a tipping point and, for some Catholics, it is now. Perhaps they'll wake up to the BIG god lie and join our team..


From my perspective, catholics have been going more and more evangelical like - Rick Santorum catholics, which is pro birth, but all other killing is fine; being racist is fine; God hates (full in blank); etc.
However, Seattle is a more liberal area and maybe those catholics are more similar to the 1960s ones.

That was not my experience as an Uber driver in Seattle/Tacoma. They vote Dem but private conversation was more, um, conservative in nature. LOTS of churches up there, too.

I suspect it is a move in most liberal areas.

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