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LINK Exploring the Edge of the Universe with Janna Levin | Podcast Highlights - YouTube

Fun episode. I love the new graphics and she's awesome.

rainmanjr 8 Jan 31

Enjoy being online again!

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There is a theory (which has some credibility) that there may be more than one universe. This is like many issues the more you know the more you know you don't know.

I cover that in my video for the theory. Basically, electrons likely bond with others in groupings other than ours. Their frequencies can be different, creating a different illusion, but it is not our concern since our grouping has no relation to theirs.

@rainmanjr I heard that but it seemed this happens within our own universe. The theory is that a multiverse would have (and it is still happening) it's own laws and special properties. The multiverse theory says that given an infinite space, Big Bangs could be going on all the time and is not nor was not a one time event.

@jackjr This is a theory I don't agree with. Maybe I'm wrong but it doesn't fit with my theory in the same illusion. As I say, it might be happening in a different illusion but that holds no significance for ours.

@rainmanjr I have a close friend who is a physicists (applied) and he also does not agree. However there are many that do. There was an amazing documentary titled 'particle Fever.' An experiment was done to find the Higgs Boson (God particle). The energy level of this particle could indicate whether a multiverse existed or not. The Cern Accelerator is one unbelievable piece of machinery. In the documentary there were theoretical and applied Physicists working together.

@jackjr One can't tentatively believe all versions and objections to every theory. Some think Earth is flat so do we continue to examine their monkey wrench or do we nod and go on with our own determination that Earth is round? A frequency can not have overlapping qualities, it is what it is, so can not logically have any relation to another frequency. Shrug.

@rainmanjr One conspiracy theory does not mean all different theories are conspiratorial. The show discussed how many scientist are doing research on this theory. It is not so far fetched as some would believe. Besides, how many proven facts do we have today that were once farfetched theories?

@jackjr Okay.

@rainmanjr Watch the video. Start at 20 minutes and then tell me this technology is about woo woo science.

@jackjr What's woo woo science? Bad, or scary, science? I know of string theory and HB. That's why I address the idea of multiple universes in my theory. I don't see them as having any effect on our frequency.

I am not saying that HB is a CT. Your video seems to be more about the machine, and scientists applauding themselves for it, than an explanation. But I am not a scientist so can be as wrong as they are. I gave up your vid at 1hr in. I think time slowing down, as it was released from the singularity's magnetic grip, caused the big bang and released electrons to be everywhere until observed.

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