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I have just come across this on an old [ circa 2010 ] Atheist site in reply to a discussion about Atheism and Humanism - a comparison .

Why would anyone expect religion to be mentioned at a Humanist conference? Humanism is about positive philosophies and ideas, not religion.
That is why I tend to call myself a humanist. Calling myself an atheist defines me only in terms of religion, (rejection of it). It is an essentially negative label. I prefer to be positive.

What do you think of this view ?

Mcfluwster 7 Feb 3

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Surely the definition of Humanism is the easiest of all for outsiders to understand. It implies that the only solutions to problems created by religions have to start and finish in the Human brain.

I use the method of leading with the heart, shortly followed by the brain. Since religion has a monopoly on emotions, they greatly lack following up with their brains and reasoning.

@Castlepaloma I like talk of the heart but there is only one organ which controls your thought . The heart just send medical messages and feelings to the controller


Can technically call a heart a muscle. Or can call it our subconscious or consciousness or dreams. For 40 years my dreams with deadlines by about 85%. These dreams have come true, or a healthy imagination has most to do with it.


I find it strange, but a lot of Unitarian church goers call them selfs secular humanists. And some of them do not even believe in gawd. []


I find alot of common ground in it.
Labels are gradually disappearing ; that said we tend to associate with terms that we feel represent what we value. Unfortunately those terms change over time -- you can see this excellarate. Maybe soon new terminology will replace what was the slim choice of the past.


I do not need to be defined and do not want to be defined. I have called myself an agnostic atheist but constantly I have others telling me what I am. They do not even know me.

@DenoPenno I 'Knew' my younger cousin before she was born.


Religion is absolutely not about humanism, expecially kristianity, it is about power and money, but is worse than a whore-house, they will welcome anyone.

The use to be one website called, it was pretty cool. There was another that had animated GIFs of Jesus being skull-fucked. Those were the good old days . . .


I keep away from the term. It means anything and everything. Such words ultimately mean little. Religious people call themselves humanists, while believing in mysticism and supernaturalism. It's a feel good word. Nice to say, but commits you to nothing. That's why some people like it. I abandoned it years ago.


In order for me to perform marriages legally in my state, I need to be a judge or a minister of a religious belief. Therefore I'm a "minister" of "Spiritual Humanism" which simply means I perform ceremonies that go along with the views of my humanistic clients, whether they are atheist, agnostic, free thinkers or even marginally religious, no matter what faith.

My ceremonies focus on human values (not theistic values) including human emotions, integrity and personal vows. This doesn't require any faith in anything but human integrity. My state requires that I call this a religion, so I do, until the law changes.

"The Church of Spiritual Humanism" is where I received my "ordainment" to "minister" to the philosophical spirit of couples wishing to be legally married, without mention of biblical references and other such beliefs that don't conform to my clients' philosophy of life.


Why would you think atheism opposes the empathy, humanity and morals of helping widows and orphans in need while avoiding worldly corruption?

Atheism is just the opposition to any style of god existing.

Religion ... pure and faultless is this: to help widows and orphans in need and avoiding worldly corruption. James 1:27

Word Level 8 Feb 3, 2023

I don't associate the word "atheist" with anything negative.
Then again "normal" people scare fuck out of me.


I can’t think of a kind of conference I wouldn’t expect religion to be mentioned at. It is the Operating System of 84% of the Homo sapiens species.

Atheism doesn’t define anything in terms of religion. There are atheistic religions, like some forms of Buddhism, etc. Atheism refers only to one’s position relative to god-belief, and even then usually only to literal god-belief.

Most Humanist orientations I am aware of are fully compatible with various religious practices, including those of non-literalist theists.

Also Humanism leans toward anthropocentrism, whereas a holistic orientation, religious or otherwise, is more likely to view all life and non-life as interconnected and interdependent.

I can see identifying as a Human, because I am one. But I don’t feel any need to make an “-ism” out of it. Everyone has a worldview, whether consciously or otherwise. That worldview serves as our operating system.

Whether we make use of god-imagery or not, is not as important as whether our worldviews contribute positively toward the survival of our species, the compatibility of our species with other life forms, and our experience of life as individuals.

My personal worldview prioritizes the dismantling of, over the building of, divisions among fellow humans. All humans are human.

skado Level 9 Feb 3, 2023

In Canada a couple do get married in a spiritual church. Marriage is and always has been basically a civil contract between two people. Atheist is a registered religion in the administration of the US. Don't know the legal rules for an Atheist couple to get married, I'm sure there is a way. In the odd State one can marry their Mother.

Such a salient summary.

As a digression I'd note that 38.9% of Australians declared NO RELIGION as the operating system in the last census, the most popular choice.

Humanism doesn't sound like it's concerned with animals, plants, earth or the likelihood of eventual extinction.

Naturalism and universalism at least sound lofty.

Pantheism may be whistling in the wind.

Given the planet's certain doom I'm in two minds about the anthropic chauvinism implicit in spreading our spawn in the galaxy but on balance, life's gotta do what life's gotta do.

Replicate with variants.

Ooo err.

Nice version.

@waitingforgodo My view on animals is that if you cannot respect and care properly for animals then you are unlikely to do the same for Humans you do not know. Unlikely but not impossible . Priorities start with Humans however.

@waitingforgodo The Stones just suck ass live


That is correct. Humanism is a 'world view' that incorporates values into its guidelines, while atheism is a statement of non-belief in the various gods espoused by religion.

What is most important is that atheism (and the Secular Humanism associated with it) aren't locked into moral framework based on bigotry, paranoia, lying, absurd dogma and mass murder. Religionists ARE locked into their primitive, sometimes idiotic beliefs, and compelled to be loyal to attitudes embracing hatred and cruelty. That makes religionists moral degenerates, and we read about the consequences every day. It also makes religionists know-nothings and thus unfit to render judgment on almost everything.

I think you’re talking about fundamentalists rather than religionists.

@skado Religions start with something VERY fundamental . i.e "You believe and follow what I say in all things. "I do the thinking and through me the saving!!"

That sounds like Christian fundamentalism to me - not “religions”. Not all religious practices are fundamentalist, and not all religions are Christian.

@skado True but many religions have similar thought patterns

The most influential thing all religions have in common is Homo sapiens. And within Homo sapiens there are always some fundamentalist tendencies and some progressive tendencies, and everything in between.


Not ever have I looked up the word humanism.

  1. An outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters.

  2. Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of human beings, emphasize common human needs, and seek solely rational ways of solving human problems.

  3. Renaissance cultural movement which turned away from medieval scholasticism and revived interest in ancient Greek and Roman thought.

On these three definitions, you may be correct, I personally stay away often from centroism of extremes.

@Castlepaloma I would be interested to know how when and why you changed you views on Humanism


I've always practiced humanitarian methods without being religious, As an artist where the arts has had greater influences and longer history than any other group involving cultural movement and civilization. Generally avoid centroism and ism, after looking at the definition of humanism, this defines the flows painlessly far more naturally than any synthetic Government, banks ,and drug pushers. Just didn't look up the definition of humanism before. Not all ism is negative like being a bio_organism or individualism.


I agree completely as I am the same.

@jlynn Agree with whom?

@Mcfluwster You.



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