Wake Up America: The Republican Party’s Stance on Fiscal
integrity is a Sham
Wake up, America! The Republican Party’s stance on fiscal integrity and on reducing the debt is a fraudulent sham. For well over 50 years their actions have been pulling the wool over or eyes, and we do not seem to have caught on yet. It is far past time to wake up and tell that party that they need to stop .
The Republicans insist, over and over again, that what they want is fiscal integrity and to reduce the national debt. But, their actions tell an entirely different story. If they were sincere, they would attempt to do a serious review of the federal government’s expenditures and carefully trim out those expenditures which benefit all segments of our citizenry the least. Then. Then, they would reduce taxes equitably to reduce both the national debt and the tax load on our people.
But. they have never done that. Instead, they have always first sought to reduce taxes first, without attempting to reduce expenditures. And, their tax reductions have almost always favored the wealthy, sometimes at the expense of the average American. Every time that they have been successful in those tax actions without first cutting expenditures, they have increased the national debt. In fact, the vast majority of the national debt is due to such Republican actions.
Then, after they have cut government income, Republican ideologues have screamed that we need to cut expenditures, and try to reduce the national debt To accomplish that, they focus on cutting programs which (1) benefit low and middle income Americans, calling such programs “entitlements.” And on cutting or gutting regulatory programs designed to protect our people and environment. In so doing, Republican ideologues show that their real intent is to try to disable government programs and agencies so that they can say , “See, I told you that big government does not work.”
This whole repetitive Republican cycle is a damnable lie, and somehow, they have managed to sell that bag of crap to far too many Americans, again, again, and again. That has to stop, NOW!!
It is time for Americans to stand up and say to Republican politicians, “ If you are really serious about fiscal integrity and in reducing the national debt, show us through your actions. Carefully examine government programs and cut those which do not benefit our citizenry and country, and which are wasteful . Maintain or increase government income by increasing taxes on the super-rich and use the surplus to pay down the national debt. If you will not or cannot do that, we will vote your sorry asses out!!!!”
Preaching to the choir.
Some on here have their eyes closed.