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What's the difference between a crime and a sin?

A crime is an offense against the laws of Man while a sin is an offense against the laws of God., So while being LGBTQ is not a crime, it's still considered to be a sin. On the other hand, gay bashing is a crime but it's not a sin since God apparently hates the gays anyway.

Just because something is a crime doesn't make it a sin and vice versa. So if you're one of the faithful you have to worry about committing both crimes and sins because they're trying to avoid both jail and HELL!

These people have to worry about being punished both now and after they're dead. No wonder they're all so uptight.

Sgt_Spanky 8 Feb 4

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Well...yeah. Fear works (despite what the No Fear clothing professed) and fear of death works best.


Aren't arrogance, conceit and judging considered sins? In thinking we humans know what God intended is both arrogant and conceited, and the judging should be left to the perceived offender's "creator" in any "afterlife" they believe in.

In my opinion, the pious are overstepping their lane, if they are followers of their god, then they should let their god do the judging.

What is wonderful about civil laws are that they can change with the advancement of humanity.

I would argue that humans don't advance. Our tech gets more interesting but the main value of computers is to show us what humans have done to nature and why we are toast.

@rainmanjr You don't think the human race has evolved and advanced to become more knowledgeable, understanding and clever?

I tend to believe that history and experience have taught us right from wrong, and most people are good or strive to be, but there are those who use evil as a weapon, and they know they are doing so, but don't care. If they do their evil in the name of religion or nationalism, they can resolve themselves of guilt.

@Julie808 Oh, we've evolved enough but can't put our advanced mechanicals into actual practice. This is so even for very informed people who continue to have six children when money starts rolling in. Good and evil are two sides of a coin which is always in play. Either will be face up half the time so fighting them is like fighting a breath. Don't take one. Hold it. Hold it. The breath almost always wins.

If humanity would live more in line with Taoist ideas then they would not suffer such evils. They would suffer other such evils.


Another difference is that crimes always have a victim, sins often don't and when they do the victim is either a god or the feelings of someone reliant on god for a paycheck

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