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Researchers Can Now Make Clean Hydrogen Fuel By Pulling it Directly From Seawater—No Filtering Required


xenoview 8 Feb 5

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Electrolysis from seawater so that we don’t deplete freshwater supply. What I’d like to know is how far away is the possibility for a homeowner to use solar and wind to provide the electricity for electrolysis, store the hydrogen , burn the hydrogen to produce electricity and stay off the electrical grid.

The tech is just getting started. It has to be scaled up for use on making hydrogen fuel.


Should be perfect for Arabia, North and South-west Africa and Southern Europe - just for starters. They all have prolific sunshine, in addition to windy areas.
.... As for the west coast of the USA, .....
Unfortunately for No 45, it is bad news for his "good, clean coal" voters.


Now we need to figure out how to generate the electricity to produce that hydrogen...

Solar or wind energy.

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