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What does your significant other while your doing this?

My wife loves all that crime drama and judge shows. Ugh! I come in the kitchen and do this. It's fun.

BucketlistBob 8 Dec 7

Enjoy being online again!

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She complains that I am on this site

I get that too. While she has the laptop in her lap while sitting in her recliner watching crime stories and the judge shows. Saying what you doing baby..


BBB this is a much better option


Haha, I just found this site. My partner started a night shift job a few months ago, so I'm stuck trying to entertain myself during the evenings, while he's at work.

Well ... welcome aboard. Enjoy and have fun. You can learn a lot from my friends here. Theyre absolutely brilliant. Just ask a question and see what happens. Glad your here.

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