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LINK Climate change and the rich | DW Documentary

LMFAO. Go ahead and live it up, folks.

rainmanjr 8 Feb 8

Enjoy being online again!

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The fact that they had to change the name from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change" because global warming couldn't be substantiated says everything that needs said about the subject.

They changed it to mollify Cons into a less alarming phraseology. Warming is the planetary problem so the phrase was apt, in my opinion, but few consulted me about it. Those who did laughed at my concern and, now, I am the one laughing. With no children to concern myself with, and not much time left in this illusion, the matter is no longer of any significance for me. In our culture I am all that matters so I sleep better.


The wealthy pay little attention to anything that doesn't line their pockets. They consider themselves above the laws, above morality and for many above common human decency.

This is why they never hold on to power. Lower economic Classes get tired of their attitudes and waste products, which create disaster, so overthrow them. It happens during most lifetimes but feels especially alarming to the older population.


Everyone seems to have excuses and everyone likes to blame others. I guess being in the upper echelons of society means having to have a lot of fingers pointing at you. In my postings of the ‘Core’ issue, overpopulation it has been said many times it’s not just about (individual) activity but a combined activity which puts residents of this country especially at fault (including me). The basic formula, which few seem to know is I=PAT (Impact equals Population times Activity times Technology). It seems the biggest offender for our amnesia is our economic model of constant growth. Corporations push the idea that without growth we will not survive and the biggest sin that the über wealthy commit is to promote that dangerous ideology. ”Capitalism thrives on overpopulation: the more people, the more competition for work, meaning cheaper wages and more profit. Governments want more people, as more people equals a higher GDP”

The rest of us are at fault for refusing to understand sheer numbers do matter especially in developing countries. ”Air is naturally clear and should always be safe to breathe. But visit Bogota, Kathmandu, Kolkata, Johannesburg, Mexico City, Karachi, Dhaka, Bangkok, and Los Angeles to meet the billions of people who live with air that is opaque, that burns the eyes, that is a foul brew of choking smog. Residents of Beijing cried when they saw blue sky for the first time in their lives during a brief pandemic lull that also allowed people in Delhi to see the Himalaya and Kilimanjaro to be visible from Nairobi. But then things returned to “normal”, and the pall closed back over their lives. Aside from pigeons and rats, most wild animals move out of cities in search of a better life.”

I read your Post and it was excellent. The level of finger pointing, blame, obstruction (always from the Party not in power), obfuscation, and distraction is epic. Your vision of the problem is clear as Kilimanjaro. That's what the warming is all about and the only real question is whether it takes out everyone or only corrects population before cooling back down? I surely will not be here to find out so will not speculate on the question. Nor do I wish any survivors luck because they will likely simply repeat it.

@rainmanjr At one time the population problem was clear to most. I joined Zero Population Growth (on the local board) to one of the very first environmental groups created when the environment first became a serious issue. Population Demographics is a real science which people seem to forget. Around the turn of the century things started to change and more and more organizations saw the need for more money to get their message out. ZPG courted some big moneyed people (like Ted Turner). Problem is, when wealth and big corporations enter the picture the corporations demand something in return and that something is to not go against the constant growth mantra. The National Geographic is now owned by Disney. However, the word on overpopulation is slowly starting to re-emerge. In the latest 'Smithsonian' there was an article about 'Canned Lion Hunts' "...conflict between lions and people is enormous, especially given Africa's exploding human population." Later the article went on, "Given the economic situation in S. Africa with almost 35% unemployment and poverty crushing the country, it seems unlikely that a massive, expensive old folks home for captive-bred lions is a plausible option."


I think that the video portrays a somewhat skewed picture of CO2 emissions. To get an accurate picture the total number of rich people and their modes of transport would need to be factored in and compared with the rest of the global population and their total emissions. All the modes to transport of foods to supermarket shelves and all other manufactured goods in all the countries throughout the world.

Maybe. The meaning remains the same, however. We are fucked.

Early on I learned a way of dividing population groups. There are three levels: above subsistence (meaning producing waste), at subsistence (having just enough without producing waste) and below subsistence (not having enough and often living off of other's waste). There are approx. 1/4 of the world living above subsistence, 1/2 living at subsistence and 1/4 below subsistence. At 8 billion people now the math should be easy.

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