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LINK Dionne Warwick Says Burt Bacharach’s Death Feels “Like Losing a Family Member” | Vanity Fair

Very sad to hear about the passing of Burt Bacharach at 94. He wrote a lot of great songs and a was a very good man.
“Burt's transition is like losing a family member," Warwick said in a statement. "These words I've been asked to write are being written with sadness over the loss of my Dear Friend and my Musical Partner." Warwick also reflected on the happiness Bacharach brought to her life.

barjoe 9 Feb 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Who the fuck are you? What the fuck is scribnle? What the fuck does it have to do with Dionne Warwick reflecting of the passing of Burt Bacharach. Now run along. Fuck off loser!


Burt was a big part of her life and Warwick herself sends goosebumps of joy up my spine every time I listen to her.


I imagine it does. For her and those who knew/loved him. I'm rather detached from human life, these days, and accept the Vonnegut wisdom of "So it goes."

@rainmanjr Burt Bacharach got lucky first.

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