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So, I've been telling my brother that my mom was sending large amounts to right wing nutjob groups and that is why her mail volume has exploded exponentially. I'm talking half a tote of mail a day. She can barely carry it.

She's gotten so much that she couldn't get into her spare bedroom anymore. She was in the hospital in December for a stroke and encephalitis. My brother had that spare room clean in that time. So in a month and a half she's completely filled that room. I remember she got new checks in December. She told me a week or so ago that she had to order new ones again. That made no sense. I explained this to my brother since he's in the state they live in and I'm 3 states away.

He went over there twice in 3 days and spent 10-12 hrs cleaning it out along with her table and counters. He discovered she hasn't paid any of her bills in 2023, was in danger of her power and tv/phone being shut off. She says she no longer has credit cards which I don't know that I believe that, she used to have a ton. Shows him her wallet which only had AT&T cards(?), some expired. Says she can't pay her bills without checks. He tells her that I said she just got an order in December!

That's what started him cleaning out that room. Found her checkbook and the checks. He looks through the checkbook and there's thousands going to bullshit right wing crap. Also going to help "christian" people "needing help" like someone in Pakistan is going to be burned alive for being a Christian. One check was returned from "Impeach Biden" because she didn't put the words spelling out the amount on that line on the check.

Now he has proof that what I've been saying is spot on. These right wing assholes only want $$. They lie to the elderly and feed off them bleeding them dry and igniting even more hatred. I'm so sick of these GOP bottom scum suckers. Now we need to get a doc to sign off that she shouldn't live alone and fight her tooth and nail to get her into a dependent living facility. He's caught her with the stove left on, she barely eats and now she can't even be relied on to pay her bills. This isn't going to be easy or pleasant. She won't go willingly.

Larimar 8 Feb 11

Enjoy being online again!

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She will not go willingly but this is something that you must do. It was all the opposite with my step dad. He was convinced that he needed to borrow money from others and did so constantly with many relatives chipping in. Some were upset that I did not give him money. It took him falling and breaking a hip to get him into a nursing home and once there he told stories of driving my dead mother to the hospital about once a week. The man no longer had a car and could not drive.

Do what you have to do before it becomes tragic. You will need a POA and a good attorney can tell you how to proceed. This may involve state agencies. Investigate it and find out.


Sad to hear that you are going through this.
It must be heartbreaking to see a love one get to the point where they can no longer take care of themselves.
Be strong. Keep your head up.
Hugs 🤗

Unity Level 8 Feb 12, 2023

I suspect you need a lawyer... (very unfortunately)

My daughter is one but is in WY unfortunately. She's going to provide my brother what the law is and find him a recommendation


I hope your mom gets better.

Won't happen but thanks!

@Larimar My mom died of Alzheimer's . Do either of you have durable power of attorney?

@barjoe You need to have a durable power of attorney (POA) to do anything. This should be investigated for the state her mother lives in and followed accordingly.

@DenoPenno You need a lawyer to "pretend" that mom is of sound mind when she signs. DPA. The best way is to have the papers drawn and then signed witnessed and sealed by a notary public.

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