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So I was driving to the grocery store and then stopped in the parking lot when I got there to look for my phone I dropped.

I get out of my car and grab a cart and start to go inside. A woman next to me says it must be god punishing us with this extreme cold weather. I asked her why she thought the natural cycle of winter was a spiritual weapon? Lol

She looked puzzled and walked on.

It is amazing to me the weird shit people will say to me and then go to silence when I question it.

If you are going to randomly talk to strangers about religion, be prepared to answer some questions!

ClareCK 5 Feb 12

Enjoy being online again!

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:::: applause::::: Give it to her, Sister! Such nonsense. What are we being punished for?

I have acquaintances constantly praying on FB. Drives me NUTS!! If I see one more "praying hands" emojis I'm gonna hurl.


Right on. When similar things happen to me I find that many of those doing the talking are not actually in any active church attendance. It is just weird shit they say. Trying to start a conversation maybe but in an awkward way.


"And your line of reasoning is?"


I'd have replied that it was undoubtedly Thou's judgment for trying to kidnap the Governor and threatening to kill everyone around her. I'd then have added that I hope Thou has a genuine hayday with it. Then smiled and walked away.

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