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What's your favorite thing about the winter season?

For many of us the religious aspects of the winter season blows... and, for many of us, we hate the music...
but outside of all that, is there anything you particularly enjoy about winter?

Here are some of my thoughts:

  1. Bundling up in something soft & warm (I like to throw my Slanket in the dryer).
  2. Eating and drinking warm things (mmm hot cocoa never tastes so good)
  3. I get to sit in front of the fireplace and read a book
  4. Sparkly snow on trees, rooftops, coating the ground-- snowflakes falling from the sky-- gorgeous
  5. Lighting scented candles
  6. Those seasonal-only treats. I like just a small taste of eggnog.
    (Honorable mention: my low AC bill!)

How about you? What makes winter enjoyable?

silvereyes 8 Dec 7

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When it turns into spring.


This is like asking me "what's your favorite thing about being chased by a bear through the woods?"

The story you have to tell afterwards?

@HeathenFarmer Hah! 😛


I'm hard pressed to think of anything. Maybe it's just the snowstorm we got today speaking, but winter has no redeeming qualities.

Wait, how do you wear them, @silvereyes? I thought they were supposed to warm my cold, cold feet.

Don't let her fool you, resserts she gets mean in those socks. 😉

@silvereyes: At least when my feet are warm I don't have an overactive bladder. It's not my heart, but it's something.


the cool, dry weather (as compared to the summer heat and humidity in Florida).


That it doesn't last all year.

skado Level 9 Dec 7, 2017

Obviously you don't live in Canada; we get 9 months of winter and 3 months of bad sledding.


It makes poop patrol in the yard a lot easier 😀

We're supposed to pick that up??





Opportunities for renewal. Snow is nice and pretty if moderate, cold bearable, ice on the otherhand is treacherous. Christmas day in ‘16 it rained all day. The next day was aweful. Went to my folk/bluegrass jam. Coming out slipped and fell in a millisecond on my shoulder and completely snapped the 2 front tendons in my rotator cuff. Had surgery 1/31/17, out of work until 4/10/17. Doing well since , but there are some minor limitations.

I've slipped and fell on the ice, too. But happily nothing was injured but my pride.


Watching the JW's and Mormons freeze on the door step.
The multicoloured light shows in the sky(Northern Lights).
Billions of stars in the sky when the cold freezes the dust an water from the sky.
Crunch of snow that is so cold it is brittle.
Howling winds in the trees.
Snow swirling across open field like herds of mad ghost horses.
When it is over.

the sky is so much clearer isnt it


I love how much quieter my world is when it's blanketed with snow. Anyone else notice that?

@silvereyes That's because nobody likes to go out in that shit. 😛



The clear black winter skies that allow me to do a little astronomy.


I'm not much of a winter person and I live in New Hampshire known for blizzards and power failures. The only thing I like about winter are cuddling under the soft plush blanket and winter clothes lol.

I do watch the snow coming down-the squirrels playing in it and my shepherd Sassy still loves to bounce about in it.

@silvereyes are you thinking of moving to NH?

Not rural south of Concord,NH. I'm in a suburb one hour from Boston, 1 hour from ocean.


Watching nature do what it has evolved to do; I still love the great outdoors, whatever the weather!


This morning in southern Louisiana, we have snow on the ground. It doesn't happen often. I'm staying inside and "piecing", which is the first part of putting together a quilt. The foul weather gives me an excuse to "play".

The photographs were taken around 7am. Between 4:30am to about 7:30am, there was a moderate amount of snow fall.


Having a fire. It heats the house i can see the flames. I can go outside and get cold and know that that lovely all encompassing warmth is awaiting me.


Being able to turn on my electric blanket

Hot apple cider

Chopping a hole in the ice at my parent's cabin and jumping in to celebrate new years

But most of all coming home from school and getting to see my little sister


Bonfires.... but they're also one of my favorite things in the spring , summer and fall.


I typed to soon. It is now snowing in Louisiana. So I would say watch Hulu and drink coffee.

MoniB Level 6 Dec 8, 2017

Books and a fireplace would be my my top choice, if I still had a fireplace anymore.

I’m good with Christmas. Even some of the music. A bonus is the specialty beers brewed for the holiday.


Cuddles and snuggles
Rainy days where everyone stays in and there's a sense of security and intimacy floating in the air within the house, as we peer outside at a falling sky and know we have each other.


Sitting in the hot tub when its icy cold
Snuggling up with wife
Going to pub with open fire
Bright blue sky and sunshine in the mornings although freezing
Getting into bed

What I hate!
People moaning it's cold, er yes it's winter???? (UK, everyone moans about the weather)


I'm really into my fireplace this year..
A sip of brandy doesn't hurt...

You know Silvereyes,
You are really turning into a rock star on this site. !


My favorite thing about Winter now is knowing that Spring is on its way. Since my thyroid went on the fritz, I can no longer tolerate cold well at all. Before, I was a fanatic skier and bobsled junky. Now, I watch for Spring.


Sleeping under three blankets all warm and cozy in the cold, fresh air.


The best thing about the winter is the way it meshes with smoking good quality weed. More specifically the way the scent mixes with the cold air. Even though I don't smoke anymore and have not even had alcohol in years, the cold will always remind me of the best parts of my years from age 16-26. The second best thing about the winter is the fact you can always put on more clothes to combat the weather, in the summer there's only so much one can strip.


I lived in Buffalo for my first 25 years of life, and Florida for the second 25+. I can’t think of one thing I was fond of all those winters. Now, anything below 60 degrees constitutes winter, even if it is for a dreadful week. It will always amaze me the amount of people truly enjoying winter. I won’t ever understand it, but good for them!

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