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i had to share!

Corvislover 7 Feb 14

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I'll believe something is true if you can use it to accomplish work.
Religion only works for sadistic tyrants and masochistic authoritarians.
I get nothing out of such a relationship.


The common story is that we used to think thunder was those gods over there or those dwarves bowling or something. But now that we've taken a closer look we know there's a secular explanation.
The sun is Apollo dragging a lamp across the sky. But now that we've taken a closer look we realize there's a secular explanation.
That bit of luck I had today was because of the shamrock or rabbit's foot I carry or that spell I cast or that God over there. But now that I've taken a closer look I know that's not the case.

But as you point out, how many times has it gone the other way? We used to think there there was a real world, secular explanation for something but when we looked we discovered the true supernatural cause -- exactly ZERO.🤔


Unless we're saying that science has unearthed all that can be known then what we know today will also be demonstrated wrong. Therefore, it's wrong. To treat it like it can't be assailed is familiar in nature to how religion treats their god. I think we have to find something else or society will continue to fracture. On the Brights side now is a good time for us to die off from environmental implosion.

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