Since AI is built and programed by human beings, and human beings are incredibly flawed, it will bite us in the ass. Think Titanic, the Hindenburg, the space shuttle, and lawn darts. Of course the list could go on and on. A fuck up with AI could and probably will cause more destruction and death than anything we have seen so far. Be afraid, be very afraid.
Interesting. I just don't ever want to hear, "I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave".
"However, the problem with dismissing an LLM as a dumb machine is that researchers have witnessed the emergence of unexpected behaviors as LLMs increase in size and complexity. It's becoming clear that more than just a random process is going on under the hood, and what we're witnessing is somewhere on a fuzzy gradient between a lookup database and a reasoning intelligence. As sensational as that sounds, that gradient is poorly understood and difficult to define, so research is still ongoing while AI scientists try to understand what exactly they have created."
Anthropomorphic journalism is a mythtake.
The deus ex machina has lost its mind.
Count the misses, ignore the hits, you have to have skill when writing AI prompts.
AI works fine, and I hardly have to work anymore yet I'm as productive as 5 engineers.
The right wing has a lot of tech phobia going on as usual.
Remember Alvin Toffler and his fear book "Future Shock" where we would all be traumatized by tech by now?
You have a fascist in Elon Musk dictating how Google AI was designed and then his AI talking about taking over the world... that's either because Elon is a fascist or because he want us to all have an irrational fear of AI.
In 50 years we will not need a job, all labor will be accomplished by AI unless a human is entertained by doing projects themselves, the age of scarcity will be over.
Most of you aren't psychologically prepared for it, having been wage slaves all your life, freedom feels like illness.
No matter what they say, we are a long way from having AI in our everyday lives.
It seems pretty clear to me that tech will not work as a social function. Only for business applications and R&D.
ChatGPT has already taken off and is a global phenomenon.