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What does your atheist heaven look like?

There's no god, but imagine you get to make your own afterlife! What would your atheist heaven look like?

Foxonaut 5 Dec 7

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You know that feeling when you wake up in a nice warm, comfy bed and there's about two hours still until you need to be up, so you nestle in and then you wake up just before the alarm would have gone off and you remember it's your day off and you don't have to get up, and you go back to sleep yet again? That's the feeling I'd want to last for an eternity.


Absolutely no idea-I would want to be reunited with all my animals if possible. Not family.

Lol aww


this is in danger of sounding a bit religious. it's like asking a cow what kind of meat it eats. you seem to have missed the point.


There is no heaven and never will be one. The question is inane.


To finally truly R.I.P and cease to exist lol.


When I die, I just die. I can't fantasize about a heaven/afterlife. If I don't believe in one.

MoniB Level 6 Dec 7, 2017

Well it's got stars and a moon and sometimes you can see a planet and in the daytime it sometimes has clouds and quite often beautiful sunrises and sunsets. Yeah and sometimes you can see an airplane flying across it.

That would be the sky then.


Athiest heaven is the place where he/she lives today..


In my heaven, cigarettes are good for you and second hand smoke extends the benefits to all your friends.

Oddly, this also appears to be Mike Pence's view of heaven.


My body is feeding all those little crawly creepies that live six feet down.

gearl Level 8 Dec 8, 2017

I would rather have my spirit explore the world and universe than go to heaven. So I guess that's my afterlife.


I Guess we're here.

This is it..



Well after life there's death so is this a trick question ?


The bits of you, the atoms, the energy become a part of the earth again to be used as food by something again, until the earth ends then it becomes something else until that ends and something else begins.

Energy never dies, it just changes form


I can feel myself, reaching that stage in the dim future of mankind, when he will cast off the hamperings of the flesh, and become all thought, and no matter. A vortex, of pure intelligence in space. It is the goal of evolution. Man's final destininy is to become what he imagined in the beginning. When he first learned, the idea of the Angels.


To be able to explore the universe with friends.


Looks like earth is right now.....this is it .......this is the are in heaven,so enjoy it.


Love making music with others. So it would be a nice shady porch on a warm day playing music with my family, especially my uncles, and my mom singing. Growing up, on family get togethers, there was always music. All my uncles could all play violin, banjo, mandolin, and guitar. They would trade instruments in the middle of a song on occasion. A happy memory. Also why I take time every day to pick a little banjo, and play with 3 bands.


i thought athiest didnt believe in after life, certainly not a heaven. i don't even wnow what to say


Its looks like my atheist hell it's doesn't exist.


Picture what it looked like before you was born. I figure it as the same thing.


Funny you should ask. I cannot speak for myself but my late partner was an atheist from the time she could reason. She had a difficult 1st marriage and went through a lot of hardships. However, after moving to this part of the country (NW) and especially this island and community it was her 'heaven' (people would ask and she would nod her head). Sometimes it is a place, time and community. Heaven need not be forever.


My idea of athiest heaven. As brought to you by Jonathan Price....

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